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The Catholic Clergy were the First Estate and were tax exempt.

The Nobles made up the Second Estate and paid no taxes.

Everyone else was in the Third Estate and paid all of the taxes.

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First Estate: Clergymen

Second Estate: Nobles

Third Estate: middle class and peasants

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The First Estate was composed of the clergy. The Second Estate was the nobility. The Third Estate was the commoners and rest of the population.

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Q: Describe the three estates of France Who paid the taxes?
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How was the social security structure under France's ancien regime?

France was divided into one of three social classes or estates

How did the unfair tax system cons tribute to France's financial problems?

there were three estates in france and the poorest ones were taxed the most

What were the first second and third estates in france?

In the National Assembly in France during the time of the French Revolution, as you know was separated into three estates. The first estate consisted of the clergy who were hardly taxed and enjoyed many privileges. The second estate was filled with nobles so high class citizens. They too paid next to no taxes and had dominance over the third estate. The third and final estate consisted of commoners, anyone from bankers to peasants were unfairly categorized and bundled up into this single heap of French citizens. This group of people would pay almost all of the taxes in France and owned the majority of the total land in France. Now in the National Assembly each estate would get one vote. The first and second estates would team up and had authority over the third estate, unfairly dominating and suppressing the views and values of the third estate.

What group in France made up each one of the three estates?

The French Estates General was made up of three main groups. This first Parliament consisted of the First Estates of clergy, the Second Estate of nobility, and the Third Estate of commoners.

What was the meeting of the three estates called?

general assembly

Related questions

What was France old form of government with three estates called?

i think it was the old regime

How did the three estates contributed to the revolutionary mood in France?

oxes laro oxes lana

How was the social security structure under France's ancien regime?

France was divided into one of three social classes or estates

What was France's voting system like before the revolution?

It was three Estates, each with a single vote.

How did the unfair tax system cons tribute to France's financial problems?

there were three estates in france and the poorest ones were taxed the most

What were the first second and third estates in france?

In the National Assembly in France during the time of the French Revolution, as you know was separated into three estates. The first estate consisted of the clergy who were hardly taxed and enjoyed many privileges. The second estate was filled with nobles so high class citizens. They too paid next to no taxes and had dominance over the third estate. The third and final estate consisted of commoners, anyone from bankers to peasants were unfairly categorized and bundled up into this single heap of French citizens. This group of people would pay almost all of the taxes in France and owned the majority of the total land in France. Now in the National Assembly each estate would get one vote. The first and second estates would team up and had authority over the third estate, unfairly dominating and suppressing the views and values of the third estate.

What were the three groups of people who made up the Estates General or France's first parliament?

The French Estates General was made up of three main groups. This first Parliament consisted of the First Estates of clergy, the Second Estate of nobility, and the Third Estate of commoners.

Who was the representative from the three estates?

Estates General

Did the french revolution get rid of the three estates?

i think The third estate is the common people, the largest group of people in France, difficult to get rid of them. On June 17, 1789, the Third Estate began the French Revolution. The formation of the National Constituent Assembly marked the end of the Estates-General, but not of the three estates.

What were the political goals of each of the Three Estates when the Estates General was called in 1789?

goal of first estate was to maintain status quo, not be taxed and gain more power. That of second estate was same. That of third was to get greater power and require other 2 estates to pay taxes

What are three key ideas to include in the summary of the meeting of the estates general?

What are the three key ideas in the meeting of the estates general?" what was the problem in the estates. what was the problem in the estates.

France's economy was mainly supported by what?

The Third Estate. It represented 99 % of the population including the bougeoise, workmen and peasants. All of them had to pay taxes. The other two estates - the clergy and the nobility did not contribute to the budget, but through their privileges they did not pay taxes, their income and wealth came from others' labour and taxes and tolls.