

Best Answer

The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.

The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.

The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.

The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.

The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.

The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.

The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.

The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.

The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.

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11y ago

The five good emperors were Nerva (ruled 96-98 AD), Trajan (ruled 98-117), Hadrian (ruled 117-138), Antoninus Pius (ruled 138-161) and Marcus Aurelius (ruled 161-180).

Before these emperors there had been five emperors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty: Augustus (ruled 27 BC-14 AD) Tiberius (ruled 14-37 AD) Caligula (ruled 37-41), Claudius (ruled 41-54 AD) and Nero (reigned 54-68). These were followed by the four usurper emperors of the Year of the Four Emperors (69): Galba, Otho, Vitlelius and Vespasian. Vespasian (ruled 69-79) started the Flavian dynasty which also included Titus (ruled79-81) Domitian (ruled 81-96).

The five good emperors belonged to the Nerva-Antonine dynasty which also included Lucius Verus who was co-emperor with Marcus Aurelius from 161 until his death in 169 and Commodus (ruled 177-180).

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7y ago

Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius (for eight years in co-emperorship with Lucius Verus).

The emperors of the Julio-Caudian dynasty were Augustus27 BC-14 AD) Tiberius (14-37) Caligula (37-41) Claudius (41-54) and Nero (54-68). In the year of the Four Emperors (68-69 AD) four men fought each other over the imperial title. Galba reigned for seven months, Othoreigned for three months and Vitelius reigned for eight months in 69. Vespasian (69-79) was the final winner and founded the Flavian dynasty which also included Titus(79-81) and Domitian (81-96).

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13y ago

The Julio-Claudians and the Flavians (with three quickie emperors in the year following Nero's death) ruled during this time span.

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Q: Describe the sequence ofn empers who ruled rome from Augustus through the good emperors?
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Who was an emperor during the pox Romana?

There were about 20 emperors during the Pax Romana. The time period covered the Julio/Claudian dynasty, the year of the four emperors, the Flavian dynasty, the Five Good Emperors and about half way through the Severan dynasty. Among them were Augustus, Vespasian, Trajan and Marcus Aurelius.

How did Roman culture spread throughout the provinces during the deeds of Augustus Caesar?

Roman culture begun to spread to the provinces of the Roman Empire before Augustus and continued to do so after Augustus, including territories which were conquered by subsequent emperors. Augustus's contribution was though his promotion of the further development of trading networks throughout the empire through low taxes and the construction of infrastructure (roads, bridges, ports, canals, dams, aqueducts and the like), and the promotion of an ideology which justified the rule of the emperor. For the next 200 years other emperors mirrored this policy.

How did Augustus become Rome's first emperor?

Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.

True or false the four emperors who followed agustus were his relatives and are called julio claudian emperors?

Yes, they were either his relatives or his direct descendants. Tiberius was the son of the wife of Augustus who Augustus adopted. He was a Claudian. Caligula, was the great grandson of Augustus, a Julian. Claudius was a Claudian on his father's side and a Julian on his mothers side. Nero was a Julian a his mother was the great great granddaughter of Augustus. Therefore they are called the Julio-Claudian dynasty.Yes, they were either his relatives or his direct descendants. Tiberius was the son of the wife of Augustus who Augustus adopted. He was a Claudian. Caligula, was the great grandson of Augustus, a Julian. Claudius was a Claudian on his father's side and a Julian on his mothers side. Nero was a Julian a his mother was the great great granddaughter of Augustus. Therefore they are called the Julio-Claudian dynasty.Yes, they were either his relatives or his direct descendants. Tiberius was the son of the wife of Augustus who Augustus adopted. He was a Claudian. Caligula, was the great grandson of Augustus, a Julian. Claudius was a Claudian on his father's side and a Julian on his mothers side. Nero was a Julian a his mother was the great great granddaughter of Augustus. Therefore they are called the Julio-Claudian dynasty.Yes, they were either his relatives or his direct descendants. Tiberius was the son of the wife of Augustus who Augustus adopted. He was a Claudian. Caligula, was the great grandson of Augustus, a Julian. Claudius was a Claudian on his father's side and a Julian on his mothers side. Nero was a Julian a his mother was the great great granddaughter of Augustus. Therefore they are called the Julio-Claudian dynasty.Yes, they were either his relatives or his direct descendants. Tiberius was the son of the wife of Augustus who Augustus adopted. He was a Claudian. Caligula, was the great grandson of Augustus, a Julian. Claudius was a Claudian on his father's side and a Julian on his mothers side. Nero was a Julian a his mother was the great great granddaughter of Augustus. Therefore they are called the Julio-Claudian dynasty.Yes, they were either his relatives or his direct descendants. Tiberius was the son of the wife of Augustus who Augustus adopted. He was a Claudian. Caligula, was the great grandson of Augustus, a Julian. Claudius was a Claudian on his father's side and a Julian on his mothers side. Nero was a Julian a his mother was the great great granddaughter of Augustus. Therefore they are called the Julio-Claudian dynasty.Yes, they were either his relatives or his direct descendants. Tiberius was the son of the wife of Augustus who Augustus adopted. He was a Claudian. Caligula, was the great grandson of Augustus, a Julian. Claudius was a Claudian on his father's side and a Julian on his mothers side. Nero was a Julian a his mother was the great great granddaughter of Augustus. Therefore they are called the Julio-Claudian dynasty.Yes, they were either his relatives or his direct descendants. Tiberius was the son of the wife of Augustus who Augustus adopted. He was a Claudian. Caligula, was the great grandson of Augustus, a Julian. Claudius was a Claudian on his father's side and a Julian on his mothers side. Nero was a Julian a his mother was the great great granddaughter of Augustus. Therefore they are called the Julio-Claudian dynasty.Yes, they were either his relatives or his direct descendants. Tiberius was the son of the wife of Augustus who Augustus adopted. He was a Claudian. Caligula, was the great grandson of Augustus, a Julian. Claudius was a Claudian on his father's side and a Julian on his mothers side. Nero was a Julian a his mother was the great great granddaughter of Augustus. Therefore they are called the Julio-Claudian dynasty.

Han dynasty have a monarchy?

Yes Han had a monarchy. Their monarch were the emperors. Who ruled through the mandate of heaven.

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Is it true that the first four emperors after augustus were of no relation to him?

No, the first four emperors after Augustus were related to him by adoption or blood ties. Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero were all either adopted by Augustus as his successors or, in the case of Claudius, his blood relative. The line of succession during this period was primarily based on family connections or designated heirs.

Who was an emperor during the pox Romana?

There were about 20 emperors during the Pax Romana. The time period covered the Julio/Claudian dynasty, the year of the four emperors, the Flavian dynasty, the Five Good Emperors and about half way through the Severan dynasty. Among them were Augustus, Vespasian, Trajan and Marcus Aurelius.

Who were the good emperors of the pax romana?

Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Augustus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius were known as the "Five Good Emperors". Their reigns were peaceful and prosperous. However, Marcus Aurelius' son Commodus became emperor and wrecked the peace through his cruelty.

Which of Tacitus' major work chronicled the reigns of emperors Tiberius through Nero?

It is Plutarch's The Lives of the Roman Emperors. However, it was more comprehensive than that. It did not cover the lives of four emperors (from Tiberius to Nero). It covered the lives of eight emperors, from Augustus to Vitellius. Only the Life of Galba and the Life Otho are extant .The Life of Tiberius and the Life of Nero survive only in fragments

How did Roman culture spread throughout the provinces during the deeds of Augustus Caesar?

Roman culture begun to spread to the provinces of the Roman Empire before Augustus and continued to do so after Augustus, including territories which were conquered by subsequent emperors. Augustus's contribution was though his promotion of the further development of trading networks throughout the empire through low taxes and the construction of infrastructure (roads, bridges, ports, canals, dams, aqueducts and the like), and the promotion of an ideology which justified the rule of the emperor. For the next 200 years other emperors mirrored this policy.

Who ruled rome from Augustus through the good empors?

The emperors from Augustus to the five good emperors were the emperors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty -Tiberius (reigned 14-37 AD) Caligula (37-41 AD) Claudius (41-54 AD) and Nero (54-68 AD)- and the emperors of the Flavian dynasty - Vespasian (69-79 AD) Titus (79-81 AD) and Domitian (81-96 AD). The five good emperors belonged to the Nerva-Antonine dynasty.This period also saw the Year of the Four Emperors (69 AD) which followed the suicide of Nero. It was a brief period of civil war in which four men fought for the title of emperor. There of them were deposed quickly and the fourth one, Vespasian, held on to power and established the Flavian dynasty. The three other emperors were Galba, Otho, and Vitellius.

How do you get into the emperors retreat?

you progress through the game

Who was Augustus's successor?

Augustus's successor was Tiberius, who became the second Roman emperor after Augustus's death in AD 14. Tiberius was Augustus's stepson and was chosen as his heir through adoption, continuing the Julio-Claudian dynasty.

Who was the 'good emperor' in ancient Rome?

Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius, and Marcus Aurelius were the five good emperors.JC MA and Ceaser Auguses JC MA and Ceaser AugusesAugustus that's all i knowBut I love this question xoxoxo question mmmmccchhhhaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

How did Augustus become Rome's first emperor?

Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.Augustus became emperor or "first citizen" as the Romans called the men we call emperors, by defeating his political enemies, especially Marc Antony.

Policymaking goes through a predictable sequence from agenda setting through evaluating the results of a policy. What is the name of this sequence?

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