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The whole room is made out of stone. There is a small hole in the wall to cook bread and other stuff like that. There are tables and the ceilings are hung with pots and candlelit chandeliers.

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Q: Describe the kitchens usually found in medieval castles?
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What were usual colors for castles in the medieval ages?

Most castles were usually made of stone and metal, so the usual colors were gray, black, and white.

What did children do in medieval castles?

I think what children were doing in medieval castles usually depended on the social status of their parents living in those castles. So a child of a cook was supposed not to play with that of the owner of the castle. But depending of their age; the younger a child is, the more ignorend he is about status of his playmate.

Where were medieval castles usually made?

Castles in Europe were made out of many different materials depending on what type of castle it is. For example, Motte and Bailey Castles would have been built out of wood and Stone Castles would (and still are) made out of stone because it is stronger and more sturdy.

What where medeival castles made of?

Medieval castles were usually made of stone, often held together with mortar. Some castles were made of wood, and earth was also used in the construction of some castle defenses and walls.

What did Queens in Medieval Times live in?

Usually queens lived in palaces. Sometimes they lived in castles, or even convents.

Where did a medieval lord live?

Medieval ladies usually lived in manor houses. Sometimes they lived in castles. Especially in the later part of the Middle Ages, some members of the nobility had town houses in towns or cities, so a few ladies lived in these.

How long did medieval castles take to build and what skills were involved?

Castles usually took 7-12 years to build, but bigger ones could take up to 20 years! There would be medieval craftsmen that did masonry, sculpt the huge stone blocks and also architects who would design the castles themselves. Master masons would hire carpenters, glaziers etc. and were highly skilled during the medieval period.

What are shell keep castles made from and why?

Shell keep castles are medieval fortresses that are usually built upon a motte. They are made from stone. Some examples of stone keep castles include the Round Tower on Windsor Castle and the Clifford's Tower on York Castle.

Were there bell towers in medieval castles?

It depends on the religon. If the castle was catholic or christian it usually carried bells to signal mass times and the hour.

How many entrances did medieval castles have?

As few as possible. Usually there was a draw bridge, gate,entry tunnel, gate, inner courtyard, door to main hall.

Did serfs sleep in the medieval castles or separate houses?

no they lived in separate houses which were usually rented either giving their share of crops to the thitle barn or giving money.

Why were castles a symbol of the medieval time period?

because there was a castle on every manor. lords and ladies live there and the also protect the manor because they are usually on the edge on the manor.