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  • Alexander established Greek as the universal language throughout the empire which simplified and improved the free flow of trade, knowledge and ideas.
  • Cities were founded and settlements were created for Greek colonists on trade routes allowing Greek culture to spread with ease by Greek soldiers, traders, travellers, intellectuals and artisans.
  • The conquered lands were introduced to Greek philosophers, the great works of the Greek playwrights, scientists and mathematicians etc and scholarship was encouraged.
  • Alexander had Greek temples, theatres, baths and gymnasiums built and Greek architecture, statues and inscriptions were distributed spread through the lands in abundance.
  • The empire used Greek coinage depicting the images of Greek Gods and commemorating Greek historical and mythological events.
  • He encouraged Greek intermarriage with the local peoples.
  • His Generals continued the Hellenization process as they expanded their portions of the Empire, after Alexanders death.
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As Alexanders kingdom was a very large one from Greece to Asia, so , Greek culture and knowledge also spread widely.

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Q: Describe how the growth of Alexander's empire spread Greek culture?
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