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no! silly silly

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Clarabelle Ernser

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2y ago
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Did the Native Americans the Pilgrims encountered in live in tipis and traveled on horseback?

The pilgrims did not live in tipis. The pilgrims built homes and created communities when they arrived in Plymouth, MA.

The native Americans the pilgrims encountered lived in tipis and traveled on horseback?

The Native Americans lived in tipis but they did not ride on horseback.

Who taught the pilgrims how to live?

Squanto and Samoset

Why did the plains indians live in tepees?

tipis were easy to move, so the plains Native Americans could move with the herd, which was usually buffalo

Do all native Americans live in tipis?

In the pre-reservation days, the Goshute lived in dug out houses built of willow poles and earth, known as wiki-ups.

How did the pilgrims help the native American Indians?

The Native Americans helped the Pilgrims by teaching them how to live off the new and unfamiliar land. They showed them techniques for getting water, how to grow crops, and how to survive the harsh winters in on the East coast. They also helped the Pilgrims with hunting. It's doubtful they knew anything about hunting game for food based on their history.

Why did Pilgrims come to America?

People from England came to America. They were called Pilgrims. They came to America in 1620. The Pilgrims wanted freedom of religion. They wanted to choose their own church. They came on a ship they called the Mayflower. The Pilgrims lived in a place called Plymouth. The Indians (Native Americans) helped them build Why_did_Pilgrims_come_to_Americaand find food. The Native Americans (Indians) were the first people to live in America.

What skill did the native Americans teach the pilgrims?

Native Americans taught pilgrims how to grow crops native to America. They also taught them how to fish, as well as hunt.

Did any Native Americans live in Hawaii?

Yes some native Americans did live in Hawaii

How Native Americans live in mission 4?

i need to know how native Americans live in mission4

Where did the US force the native Americans to live?

The US forced Native Americans to live on reservations.

What kind of house did the Comanche live in?
