

Current conflicts in the US

Updated: 12/22/2022
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Q: Current conflicts in the US
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The are no current conflicts issues in Namibia.

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Afghanistan and Iraq are the UKs only current ongoing major conflicts. Other major conflicts since the 90s include: The Gulf War - 1991 Bosnia - 1992 Kosovo - 1999 Sierra Leone - 2000 Afghanistan - 2001 - ongoing Iraq - 2003 - ongoing

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After WWII, and before the invasion of Pearl Harbor the US committed to remain neutral toward conflicts in Europe because they want to be a peaceful nation. In addition, the American people have voiced there opinion asking the US to remain neutral on conflicts in Europe.

Are our involvements in Iraq Vietnam and Korea considered conflicts?

Yes. There was no US formal declaration of war, but there was US military involvement, so they are considered "conflicts" in US jurisprudence. However, for the Iraqis, Vietnamese, and Koreans, they were certainly wars.

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the states fund rebel

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Weapon selling

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Over the past 200 years, there have been many military conflicts and wars that the US did not participate in.Crimean WarRusso-Japanese WarFranko-Prussian War

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The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was proposed to solve such conflicts.

What war led to conflicts Richmond and the States?

The US Civil War.