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yes it was becuas they all where killed 1864

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Q: Could Sitting Bull send a post card to general george Custer?
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Where was general george Custer defeated?

George Armstrong Custer was killed in the Battle of the Little Bighorn July 25-26, 1876 in Montana.The name of the battle is the Little Big Horn, and is also the name of the place it took place. Also Custer and his men were not massacred they went looking for a fight and got one. It was a military blunder on Custer's behalf he was too overly confident that he could defeat the Sioux.

What is George Custer and the battle of little bighorn?

In 1876, the Battle of the Little Big Horn took place. Back then it was referred to as Custer's Last Stand by the Americans. The Indians called it the Battle of the Greasy Grass. The Cheyenne, Sioux, Arapaho and a few others from other tribes were camped out. General George Custer was given orders just to scope them out but not to engage the Indian. However, in his arrogance, Custer believed he could not only engage them but kill and defeat all the "savages". Custer was outnumbered and grossly underestimated the warriors' skills and was defeated. It is still debated whether he was killed by a native or took his own life.

What was Geroge Armstrong Custer famous for?

son of the morning staryellow haircreeping panther that attacks at dawnTroopers of the 7th Cavalry Regiment nicknamed him "Hardass" because he was a hard-driving and demanding leader.Custer was known for staying on the trail and not using a wagon or ambulance as they were called... he would eat mule as he told Bloody Knife his favorite scout who was amazed at his ability to stay in the saddle... when they ran short of rations etc...Autie was a nickname given by his family...The boy general

How does Custer characterize the nature of native Americans?

Custer viewed Native Americans as being savages of wild tribes. He thought they were taking up good land that could be settled by Americans. Custer also believed that Native Americans were uncivilized, useless beasts.

Why did they elect the first president?

George Washington was the father of the country, nobody could think of any one else who could possibly be more suited for the job, then the general who fought through thick and thin with them in order to persue the idea of freedom.

Related questions

What side was George Armstrong Custer on in the civil war?

General Custer was a member of the U.S. Army; so I guess you could say that he was on the side of the USA (if that is a side).

Who ambushed Custer?

Actually, Custer was not ambushed at Little Big Horn. He purposely attacked a large Lakota/Cheyenne war camp led by Sitting Bull. Custer attacked hastily, against the advice of his scouts, afraid the camp would break apart and run before he could decisively engage them. Sitting Bull was not at the battle where Custer was killed. The ambush was lead by Crazy Horse.

Where was general george Custer defeated?

George Armstrong Custer was killed in the Battle of the Little Bighorn July 25-26, 1876 in Montana.The name of the battle is the Little Big Horn, and is also the name of the place it took place. Also Custer and his men were not massacred they went looking for a fight and got one. It was a military blunder on Custer's behalf he was too overly confident that he could defeat the Sioux.

Did George A Custer have any family that could have resulted in any decendants?

Yes he does I am a descendant of his. DEK

What is George Custer and the battle of little bighorn?

In 1876, the Battle of the Little Big Horn took place. Back then it was referred to as Custer's Last Stand by the Americans. The Indians called it the Battle of the Greasy Grass. The Cheyenne, Sioux, Arapaho and a few others from other tribes were camped out. General George Custer was given orders just to scope them out but not to engage the Indian. However, in his arrogance, Custer believed he could not only engage them but kill and defeat all the "savages". Custer was outnumbered and grossly underestimated the warriors' skills and was defeated. It is still debated whether he was killed by a native or took his own life.

General Custer turned down a weapon?

Yes. General Terry offered him a battery of six Gatling Guns. Custer refused them on the grounds that they would slow him, and they would have. They were heavy and mounted on an artillery carriage. Thirty years later, gas-operated machine guns were available which could be packed on the back of a cavalry horse, and these were used in the Russo-Japanese War. The Gatling Guns could have prevented Custer's Last Stand because the hostiles knew better than to attack them, but of course Custer did not foresee such an outcome when he turned down command of these weapons.

Was george Armstrong Custer married to a indian?

The wife of Lt Colonel George Armstrong Custer was Elizabeth (Libby) Custer, nee Bacon - they married in 1864 and were never divorced so he could not legally have married anyone else.There have been stories circulating for some time that Custer had a Cheyenne mistress (not wife) named Maotzi or Monaseta, the daughter of Cheyenne chief Little Rock, who some claim had a child by Custer (a boy named Yellow Bird). This would have a bit more credibility if Maotzi or Monaseta were genuine Cheyenne names but they are not.Since a fact is defined as something that can be supported by evidence, this story is not a fact but simply an entertaining story.

What was Geroge Armstrong Custer famous for?

son of the morning staryellow haircreeping panther that attacks at dawnTroopers of the 7th Cavalry Regiment nicknamed him "Hardass" because he was a hard-driving and demanding leader.Custer was known for staying on the trail and not using a wagon or ambulance as they were called... he would eat mule as he told Bloody Knife his favorite scout who was amazed at his ability to stay in the saddle... when they ran short of rations etc...Autie was a nickname given by his family...The boy general

Why did George Washington feel the job of general could result in disaster?


What was George Washington's position in the American War for independence?

George Washington was Commanding General of the American Continental Army

What happened at the Battle of the Little Bighorn?

The full answer to this question would encompass enough information to fill a book, and has.To put it as simply as possible; US Army General Custer under estimated the size, strength and tactics of a group of Native American's (Sioux & Cheyenne) and the ensuing battle resulted in a complete victory by the Native Americans.The Battle of Little Big Horn took place in Montana on June 25, 1876. Under the command of General Sheridan was the 7th Calvary headed by Lt. Col. George Custer. US President Grant had ordered all Native American tribes in the Black Hills area of Montana onto reservations by January 31, 1876. If they declined the army would force compliance. The Native American Tribes refused to comply with what they considered to be an unfair situation. As part of this compliance, Custer was conducting operations in the valley of the Little Big Horn. Custer made the error of splitting his forces and the troops under his direct command fell under attack of Sitting Bull and his warriors. The numbers of fighters on each side has been disputed but for arguments sake Custer had 200 plus troopers and Sitting Bull had about 4,000 warriors (this is one estimation ). Within about 45 minutes, Custer's troops were wiped out to the man. A number of military historians do not consider this to be a battle because of the length of time and the numbers of cavalry troops involved. They have used the word "confrontation" rather than battle.

What mistake by Colonel George Custer led to his defeat by chiefs Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse at Battle of the Little Bighorn?

Flamboyant in life, George Armstrong Custer has remained one of the best-known figures in American history and popular mythology long after his death at the hands of Lakota and Cheyenne warriors at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.And the word mythology really fits how he is remembered.He graduated last in his class and then failed at his first posting to stop a fight between two cadets. He was court-martialed and was saved only by the need for officers with the outbreak of the Civil War where he did very well.In July of 1866 Custer was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the Seventh Cavalry. The next year he led the cavalry in a messed up campaign against the Southern Cheyenne. In late 1867 Custer was court-martialed again and suspended from duty for a year for being absent from duty during the campaign. Again a friend saved him.In 1876, Custer was scheduled to lead part of the anti-Lakota expedition, along with Generals John Gibbon and George Crook. He almost didn't make it because President Ulysses S. Grant relieved Custer of his command and replaced him with General Alfred Terry. Public opinion made Grant reverse himself.He did have ambitions to be President one day. And he hoped that this would do it.The original plan called for the three forces under the command of Crook, Gibbon, and Custer to trap the bulk of the Lakota and Cheyenne population between them and deal them a crushing blow. The troops of Crook and Gibbon were not at the same place with Custer as Custer was far ahead of them. Instead of waiting, Custer was so sure that he could win any fight with the Indians. He split his forces into three parts to ensure that fewer Indians would escape.The attack was one the greatest fiascos of the United States Army, as thousands of Lakota, Cheyenne and Arapaho warriors forced Custer's unit back onto a ridge parallel to the Little Bighorn, surrounded them, and killed all 210 of them. Imagine thousands to 210. He just might have won if he had waited for the other two commanders.