Fascism was a political theory developed in Italy and Germany after WW1. Many Italians and Germans were not happy that they had lost so much land in the war and wanted to claim it back. Fascists (see ADOLF HITLER) believed that MIGHT WAS RIGHT! and believed in having a single dictator to lead them, and did away with opposition brutally. (Again, ADOLF HITLER) They hated communists and dislkied foreigners, wanting to hold onto their own country's glory.
Communists (See Karl Marx and WORKERS OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE!) believed that a person should be paid according to their status and job as well as how much land they had and etc. They were often much more at peace that fascits, and it was the former that caused most grief.
They are both forms of totalitarianism.
-Under Communism the government took over the peoples property and freedom and forced them to work for the state in exchange for obedience and needs for the reason of having one class. Punishment under communism for dissentment was death, imprisonment and not giving needs such as forcing starvation.
-Under Nazism the government took over the peoples freedom and less so the peoples property but controlled the peoples property when needed to serve the state. As well Nazism put the Aryan race above others and wanted a classless society such as you see with communism but only for Ayrans. Punishment for dissenters and non-Aryans was death and imprisonment.
u mean capitalism fascism and communism? well, fascism is by FAR the worst. fascism is when the government takes over completely and can massacre people by the millions. all the while they pillage other countries that are close to them. fascism was basically wiped from the planet after ww2. but most middle eastern countries like syria and Saudi Arabia have the typical signs of monarch fascists.now CAPITALISM is very bad aswell. despite what the europeans and americans praise about capitalism is completely based off the advantage that they make from capitalism.capitalism is economic, and fascism/communism is government. capitalism is simply where corporations are in control of the country. it allows for ample political corruption.COMMUNISM is actually in my opinion the best.capitalists and every other ism uses disimformation and Propaganda to make communism look like the bad apple in society. but the reason for that is that communist states tend to be more poor than capitalist. capitalists like america try are ruled by corporations and the ruling richest familys of the world to create lies to invade countries that pose a threat to there fortunes.capitalism is 1 giant scam. no matter what you do with a capitalist state, it will look good at first everyone will get there fair share, but then eventually the people that set up shop first get impossibly rich while the middle class gets dissolved away. atleast with communism if you start it out with enough money everyone WILL have equal opertunity. true communism is great. what marx originally wrote of in the manifesto was the reason socialism was good back then. the modern day communist state has been distorted by those that control things and so on. true communism is where everyone is middle class and happy, there free, they all have equal oportunity to start with and theres no super rich high class people to start influencing the government to there own agendas. because most businesses in communism are run by the government.
Communism. This is one reason Britain appeased Germany in the 1930s. Britain would have preferred fascism over communism.
Fascism and or communism
Yes, National Socialism (Nazism) and Communism are both forms of the catch-all term, Fascism.
Stalin supported the philosophy of communism, while Mussolini supported the philosophy of fascism.
compare and contrast of paradise book 1 and book9
Fascism supports private enterprise. A+
Communism. This is one reason Britain appeased Germany in the 1930s. Britain would have preferred fascism over communism.
Fascism and Communism. Michael Montagne
Fascism and or communism
Fascism and communism are different ideologies with contrasting beliefs and goals. Fascism emphasizes nationalism, hierarchy, and authoritarianism, while communism focuses on class equality, state control of resources, and the eventual creation of a classless society. Fascism typically upholds traditional values and has a strong leader figure, whereas communism aims to abolish private property and establish collective ownership of resources.
Fascism for novanet. Totalitarianism for NovaNET
Yes, National Socialism (Nazism) and Communism are both forms of the catch-all term, Fascism.
Compare and contrast it with what?
communism seems to be more concerned with the welfare of the people. fascism=considers deferences in class communism=equal class
Communism: a classless stateless society based on common ownership and production for use. Fascism: an authoritarian variety of capitalism, with wages system, production for sale and no democratic rights.