The first colonists of New York were descendants of Asians who had crossed the ice bridge to the North American continent 16,000 to 20,000 years ago. Over generations, they migrated across the continental divide and used the river systems on the prairies and the Great Lakes to create the Iroquois Confederacy in New York.
The Dutch came with Peter Stuyvesant who purchased Manhattan from the Indians.
Florida and New York
The Dutch
The colony of New York was settled first by the Dutch and then by the English. The main religion of both the Dutch and English was Protestantism. New York was one of the Middle colonies.
ANSWER The Colony of New York
The Dutch first settled it and it was originally called New Amsterdam.
New York City was originally settled by the Dutch, and was called New Amsterdam. The early settlers were engaged in the fur trade.
The Dutch came with Peter Stuyvesant who purchased Manhattan from the Indians.
Florida and New York
The Dutch
The middle colonies were Delaware, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania
The colony of New York was settled first by the Dutch and then by the English. The main religion of both the Dutch and English was Protestantism. New York was one of the Middle colonies.
New York
The dutch...and it was named New Amsterdam.
New York was one of the original 13 colonies because it was originally settled by the Dutch in the early 17th century but was later taken over by the English in 1664. The English established New York as an English colony and it played a key role in the development of the American colonies before the Revolutionary War.
New York City (and part of New York State) was originally inhabited by the Native American Lenape tribe. The Dutch were the first Europeans to settle New York City, in 1624.