

Christmas in the trenches

Updated: 8/23/2023
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9y ago

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The trenches of WW I were unpleasant at any time of year; at Christmas they were cold and snowy, in addition to their usual unpleasant features. Trench warfare could accurately be described as a prolonged nightmare.

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9y ago

Christmas in the trenches is a reference to how soldiers might celebrate Christmas. Sometimes a Christmas truce was declared, and both sides of the conflict took time off for the holiday, but many times there was no special recognition of the day. If possible, soldiers might get a special meal in the mess tent, and, if the situation allowed, they might join together in song and in prayer.

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14y ago

every body died

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a cease fie in the trenches, soldiers from both sides put down their guns, and ate, drank and celebrated together before retunring to their trenches.

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it was very cold and wet. many people got trench foot from the mud and wet.

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It was during World War 1 that fighting stopped in the trenches and both fighting sides played football. It was called the Christmas Truce and took place in 1914.

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Trenches are caused by plate movement.

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What does the trenches mean in World War 1?

they fought in the trenches ww1 was known as a war in the trenches

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The cast of Christmas in the Trenches - 2012 includes: Tim Budas as Lieutenant Haywood Ted Hollis as German Officer Mario Vernazza as Sergeant MacGregor