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edit: haha! i laughed when i saw this!

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Q: Choose one of the original 13 colonies and write an explanation for why you might have wanted to live there in the 1700s?
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How did the us get the 13 colonies?

The original Thirteen colonies were made up of land given to colonists by Britain. Britain wanted to send people over to the colonies for there resources, eventually the colonies wanted to become independent. This led to the revolutionary war and so on.

The colonies won their freedom from what?

If you are speaking on behalf of the original 13 colonies in America, then from Britain. Britain wanted to financially benefit from the existence of the colonies, so Britain taxed the colonies harshly. Obviously, the colonies did not particularly enjoy these taxes and fought to win their independence as a country of it's own.

What is explanation in a sentence?

The Headmaster wanted an explanation for the pupil's bad behaviour.

Why the colonies wanted independence from?

they wanted Independence from England

Where were the original thirteen English colonies established?

The original American colonies were a product of British explorations on the East coast of what is now the US. The British colonies took many decades to form what became the 13 colonies that rebelled against Britain in 1776.

Why did the colonies not support the Albany plan of union?

Because the colonies wanted their independence.

What did Virginia colonies want?

The colonies wanted slave so they could get rich by planting tobacco, they also wanted gold so the could be rich or in other words they wanted money.Randomdude172

Why did the 13 colonies?

There were a few reasons why the 13 colonies began. They were not happy with their life in Europe. They wanted to improve their lives. They wanted more money, and they wanted to live where there were more Natural Resources.

Of the 13 colonies who wanted to be a new nation?

The colonies voted concerning if they wanted a new nation or to remain part of Britain. All 13 colonies voted unanimously to form a new nation.

Describe how tension arose between England and the colonies?

Tension arose between England and the colonies when the colonies wanted to have self rule. The natural citizens wanted to have their own leaders and their own laws.

What did the colonies wanted to happen?

the thing they wanted to happen is that they do not want to be ruled by England

Why did representative government develop in the colonies?

this was because the king wanted people to govern the colonies.