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Adolph Eichmann.

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Q: Chief of the Jewish Office of the Gestapo was responsible for deporting as many as three million people to concentration and death camps was tried and executed in Israel in the 1960's?
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Related questions

Who captured the gestapo concentration camp?

There were many concentration camps.

Explain the difference between concentration camps and gestapo?

Concentration camps were where the 'undesirables' were sent (e.g., the jews, homosexuals, etc.), whereas the gestapo was the secret police

What happen to general fromm?

He was executed by the Gestapo on the 12th of March 1945.

How did the Gestapo contribute to the Holocaust?

Jews would be killed because when hitler came to power hitler had lost lots land and money,jobs,and businesses so hitler thought that they lost the war becuase of the jews so that when he started taking the to concentration camps and torture.

What was the name of the German secret police who came for Jews?

The Gestapo were like the upper ranks in a police department and were enforcers of the Nazi laws.The SS was entrusted with the commission of atrocities, illegal activities, and war crimes. The SS oversaw the isolation and displacement of Jews from the populations of the conquered territories, seizing their assets and deporting them to concentration camps and ghettos, where they were used as slave labor or immediately killed.

How did the gestapo treat the Jews in World War 2?

Stomping.Rape.Or get them concentration camp

What were Adolf Hitler's secret police called?

The Gestapo was a secret police that showed their strength with the use of terror. Hitler and the Nazi party used this secret police to hunt down Jews, gypsies, etc. Once they found them, they would be sent to the concentration camps.

what was the SS of the Nazi party?

The SS stood for Schutzstaffel and were the Gestapo and ran the concentration camps.

What is a sentence using the word gestapo?

The Gestapo captured the Jewish family and took them back to the concentration camp. After World War II, many members of the Gestapo changed their names to avoid prosecution as war criminals. As a secret police force, the Gestapo was involved in any number of political and counter-espionage activities. Anna Frank and her family hid from the Gestapo for over two years before finally being betrayed and sent to a concentration camp.

What were the tools of terror used by Hitler?

SS, Stormtropper, Informers, Gestapo etc

What role did Gestapo play in Jewish persecution?

The Gestapo were the Nazi German Secret Police. The unit was responsible for monitering and polciing anti-regime activity within the reich.

What are gestapos?

The Gestapo were Hitler's secret police and had offices in many concentration camps.