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America's close cultural and economic ties with Britain.

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Q: Caused most Americans to sympathize with the allies rather than the central powers?
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Related questions

Why did the 4.5 million Irish Americans sympathize with Germany and the Central Power?

Because of the way the British treated Ireland, Irish immigrants wanted nothing to do with supporting the allies.

How did the British blockade of Germany actually bring the neutral Americans closer to the allies?

It increased America's economic ties with the Allies because British blockade of Germany caused American trade with the Central Powers to virtually cease.

When the allies and central powers try to gain support of the Americans by using propaganda. Witch one's propaganda more effective in influencing Americans?

You spelt which wrong!

How did both allies and central powers try to gain support of the Americans?

Both the allies and central powers tried to gain support of the Americans by using campaigns and propagandas. I know you use this because it's an easier way to get answers, but be careful. There are people out there that just want to mess around. And, anybody can edit the truth.

Why were the Americans flying with The British during World War 1?

Americans and the British were allies during WWI and helped each other out in order to defeat the central power Germany.

Countries of World War I?

there are actually Quite a lot of countries involved in ww1 Great britain (Allies America (Allies, joined in april, 1917) Germany (Central powers) France (Allies) Russia (Allies, left in February 1917 due to Russian Revolution) Turkey (Central powers) Italy (Allies) Romania (Allies) Serbia (Allies Greece (Allies) Austria-Hungary (Central powers) Bosnia (Central powers) Bulgaria (Central powers) British Empire (Allies) Belgium (Allies) Portugal (Allies) hope this helps you :-)

How did the central powers and allies try to break the deadlock caused by trench warfare?

Sometimes you like to have sex with strangers but its better to do that with someone you know.

Compare the strength of Allies and Central Powers?

the allies were stronger

Did the central powers or the allies win in ww1?

The Allies won.

Who were the allies of the Americans?

the presidents

How did the Americans help the Allies win World War 1?

The Americans helped the Allies by sending resources to them during WWI.

Was the Ottoman Empire with the central power or the allies?

central powers