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Q: Capital city in both the mauryan and gupta empires.?
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What was one similarity between the Mauryan's and the Gupta's what was one difference?

One similarity is that both the Mauryan and the Gupta empires collapsed. One difference between the two are that the Mauryan's had a complex government, the Gupta's did not.

What was one similarity and one difference between the mauryan's and the gupta's?

One similarity is that both the Mauryan and the Gupta empires collapsed. One difference between the two are that the Mauryan's had a complex government, the Gupta's did not.

What was the northernmost province of both the Mauryan and Gupta Empires?

Jammu and Kashmir. Its all on wikipedia

What was one similarity and one difference between the Mauryans and the Guptas?

One similarity is that both the Mauryan and the Gupta empires collapsed. One difference between the two are that the Mauryan's had a complex government, the Gupta's did not.

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One similarity is that both the Mauryan and the Gupta empires collapsed

How was the Gupta Empire similar to the Mauryan Empire?

they both had an empire im awesome badboy out

During which empire was the government more centralized?

Both Mauryan and Gupta had strong centralized governments.

How are the gupta and mauryan empires similar?

They both blossomed under the control of their rulers. They both had a large army to take over. And lastly, they both fell under the army of invaders. Both of the army used lots of war elephants and advance weapons.

What do the Maurya and Gupta empires have in common?

There was no such thing as a Greek Empire. As for the Renaissance, which was in a totally different historical period (the Gupta Empire existed in 4th century, while the Renaissance was in the 14th and 16th centuries), the possible similarity was cultural innovation.

How does the reigns of Asoka and Chandra Gupta 2 compare?

One of the reasons the2 kings compare is because they are both empires in bce!

What were the similarities and between gupta and han?

The similarities between the gupta and han dynasties were that their social structures stressed inequality as well as maintaining order and stability throughout the empires. Also, both dynasties excelled in science, art, math, and other discoveries.

Maya gupta and songhai empires are similar how?

Both the Maya and Songhai empires were advanced civilizations known for their impressive architectural achievements and complex societies. They both developed sophisticated writing systems and had strong centralized governments. Additionally, both empires engaged in long-distance trade and were known for their advancements in art, science, and technology.