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yes an honorably discharged or retired vet may wear it properly for a funeral,or military holiday,military event, ,parade involving the military, ex.Veterans Day parade.and many other events as authorized by the US Military usc code.look it up

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Q: Can you wear your Air Force uniform after your service retirement?
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Yes, you can wear the required Blues uniform of the U.S. Air Force IF you are in a AFJROTC program, CAP (United States Air Force Auxiliary) or in the U.S. Air Force. You may not wear this uniform under any circumstances outside of these programs or service unless required to do so or granted permission by an officer, or unless you take off all insignia that tells you rank, service, name, etc.

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Yes they do. All government branches have a uniform, or a dress code. what do you mean by dress code, do you mean suit or something, and do the clandestine service wear uniform?

Can i wear my khaki uniform if i am retired?

It depends on the regulations of your specific branch of the military. Some branches allow retired service members to wear their uniforms for certain occasions, while others prohibit it. It's best to check with your branch's regulations to see if wearing your khaki uniform in retirement is allowed.

What do woman wear in the Canadian forces?

The appropiate uniform for their rank and service.

What UCMJ article covers improper wear of uniform?

There is no specific UCMJ Article concerned with the wear of the military uniform. If a service member is charged with improper wear of the uniform, it is likely to be a "Failure to follow direct orders" sort of situation.Each branch of the Armed Forces has its own uniform regulations. Each of these lay out recourse for violation of the reg. See below:Marine Corps - MCO P1020.34 - Marine Corps Uniform RegulationsNavy - NAVPERS 15665H - United States Navy Uniform RegulationsArmy - Army Regulation 670-1 - Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and InsigniaAir Force - AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 36-2903 - Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force PersonnelCoast Guard - COMDTINST M1020.6G - United States Coast Guard Uniform RegulationsSee each of the applicable for specifics.

If retired military can you wear uniform on vacation cruise in place of a suit?

If you retired from the military you may wear your uniform on any occasion that is appropriate and will not bring any shame to the service. A cruise would be a great place to wear a dress uniform.

Can you wear doo rags in uniform in the air force?

Under no circumstances are they authorized.

Can you wear your USAF full service dress uniform to a funeral?

Yes you may!

Is the white shirt authorized for wear with the green class A service uniform?

On social occasions when the prescribed uniform is the Army Blue Uniform, personnel who don't have one are authorized to wear the Army Green Uniform with white shirt and bow tie.

Can you wear army aircrew wings on air force dress blue uniform?

I don't know about Army Aircrew wings but you are authorized to wear Navy Aircrew Wings in the Air Force, if you can manage to get them. Best bet is to check Air Force Uniform Regulations publications.

How long can you wear the Air force maternity uniform?

6 months after you give birth

What dress blue uniform do you wear at mcrd graduation?

The Uniform of the Day at MCRD Graduation is Service Alphas according to