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You can, but you would probably get your @ss kicked in the parking lot if you did because nobody does, at least not in the Ojibwe nation.

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Q: Can you wear native American regalia to a native American funeral?
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What is the name of the dress that the amerindians wear?

A traditional garment worn by some Native American tribes is called a Regalia or Native American dress. These garments are often adorned with intricate beadwork, feathers, and other symbolic decorations that hold cultural significance.

What do Indians and wear?

Native Americans wear the same clothes as everyone else. Why? Because they are progressive just like everyone else and change with the current fashions. During Powwows or ceremonies, they will wear regalia. Regalia is unique and specific to each tribe.

What do Native Americans wear and why?

There are hundreds of Native American Cultures. They range from California to Maine and from Alaska to Panama. These cultures can be as different as African Cultures are from Inuit Cultures. If you want to learn about Native Americans and how they dressed you should pick a specific Native American Tribe to learn about and then another to compare to. Here is a link to help you on your quest for information. So, your question is "What do Native Americans wear and why?" I am wearing a hoody and jeans today because it's cold outside.

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Can you wear shorts to a funeral?

No. It is disrespectful and not the place to wear them. A funeral is like church where you wear an appropriate outfit.

How did Native American men wear their hair?

Mohawks, braids, and long hair.

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What is the difference between a costume and regalia?

A costume is typically clothing worn to portray a character or role in a theatrical production or event. Regalia, on the other hand, refers to elaborate, ceremonial attire worn for special occasions, often symbolizing rank, status, or cultural heritage, such as traditional tribal garments or royal robes.