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Yes, you can wear latex gloves while typing on the computer although it may be difficult to type.

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Q: Can you wear latex gloves to type on the computer?
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Related questions

Do you wear latex gloves when folding clothes?

yes because you will need protection from the clothes so wear those latex gloves when folding clothes

Should you wear latex gloves during spring cleaning?

You can wear latex gloves when spring cleaning to protect yourself from dirt and chemicals used when cleaning.

What precautions help minimize your risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens?

A standard precaution applying to bloodborne pathogens is to wear non-latex gloves. It has to be non-latex because some people are allergic to latex so it has to be non-latex gloves.

Can parents wear latex gloves when checking hair?

yes as long as its the female parent who does it because alot of moms enjoy wearing latex gloves when they are checking their kids hair. they say wearing gloves is what makes it fun

Which gloves are tougher vinyl or latex?

Latex is more comfortable to wear, and can stretch easier, but people can be allergic to it.

Can you wear latex gloves to clean a Betta fish tank?

Yes you should be able to use latex gloves while cleaning a bettas tank, there should not be any residue left afterwards.

Should your girlfriend wear latex gloves while giving handjobs?

If your girlfriend is wearing latex gloves while touching you, both she and you will be protected from any skin to skin disease transmission. However if one of you has a latex allergy, there could be problems.

Should you wear latex gloves to play doctor?

That depends on your tastes. If you'd like to be more realistic, then yes, wearing latex gloves could be fun. Wearing gloves could also make the game more asnitary. Just be sure that you or anyone else who might come into contact with the glove isn't allergic to latex.

Can you wear expired latex gloves?

At some point the latex becomes brittle and loses its elasticity. It will chip, crack and fall apart and therefore loses usefulness in the field of safety.

Should you wear latex gloves when you go to the bathroom?

yes you should so you dont have to touch things with your bare hands

What should you wear before undertaking any task that may contaminate your hands and clothing?

latex gloves and an apron are nice to wear while cooking so there is no contamination, if you are cooking some kind of poultry make sure to either wash your hands/take off the latex gloves right after dealing with the raw poultry.

Should you wear latex gloves while giving speech therapy?

It is generally not necessary to wear latex gloves while giving speech therapy sessions unless there is a specific medical reason to do so, such as to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. It is important to follow appropriate hygiene practices, such as washing hands before and after sessions, to minimize the risk of spreading germs.