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Q: Can you sue The police for items broken by raid?
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Can i sue the police if my car in broken into while its sitting in the police impound lot?

You can attempt to sue for anything. You would just have to find an attorney willing to take your case. You would need to prove that the police were negligent, as landowners are not guarantors of 100% crime-free property. If you have not already, it would be a good idea to file a police report to document your incident.

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What has the author Sue Coe written?

Sue Coe has written: 'Police state'

What if your arrested and the police are nasty and drag you across the yard and treat you terrible?

Then you get dragged across the yard etc. then you sue their department

Can the police sue the media?

That depends on for what. It has been done.

Can you sue police for improper investigation?

in some states

What do you do if you were attacked at home and received severe lacerations from glass broken by attacker and are wanting to sue the home owners insurance?

Why, is it the insurance co that attacked you? You go to the hospital, get your wounds stitched up and call the police.

Why can you not sue the police?

Police officers are typically protected by qualified immunity, which shields them from being personally sued for their actions performed in the line of duty. Additionally, there are legal doctrines such as sovereign immunity that can prevent individuals from suing government entities like police departments. These legal protections make it difficult for individuals to successfully sue the police.

Can you sue a police officer for writing false information in a police report of a car accident in Indiana?


Who do you sue when you had an accident with police officer and he got the citation?

You would normally name the police officer (driver) and his employer, e.g. the city or police department where he works.

Are you obligated to sue if someone breaks your nose?

By law, the cops are not allowed to force you to sue if someone breaks your nose. They won't say:"You won't sue him/her for breaking your nose, you're going to jail." They're not allowed to do that. You're the victim, so you decide wether you sue or not. If you refuse to sue or file a police report, the cops will respect that, but they will tell you the consequences of not suing or filing a police report or taking your assailant to court.

Can you sue a Police station for false accusations like evading arrest and felony no DL Which are both seprat but never happend and Im currently on probation Do u think there trying to screw me?

You cannot sue a police station. You can sue individual police officers or the department as a whole. Whether or not you have a case depends on the facts and circumstances of the accusations and criminal prosecution, and also your jurisdiction's law.