annie's name is julianna
ريش THis is the best way to spell it. Arabic does not cosist letters that you could pronounce as 'CH'
Arabic - "Land of the blacks". The original name of Africa. Arabic - " The land of the blacks". The original name of Africa.
John is not a name of Arabic origin, so it does not have any meaning in Arabic. The Arabic equivalent of John does exist, because of the translations of the Bible. The name of John in the New Testament is Yuhna - pronounce the "h" (ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ).
She is Catholic.
The proper name closest is Juliana, also Julianna, which has a rare variant Jolianna.
Julianna Margulies's birth name is Julianna Luisa Margulies.
Julianna Robinson's birth name is Julianna Elizabeth Robinson.
The way to spell the name Lisa using the Arabic alphabet is ليسا.
Julianna Redding's birth name is Juliana Maureen Redding.
The English spelling of the proper noun, an Arabic given name, is Ahmed (variant Achmed).The Arabic is:أحمد
How do you spell Eamonn in Arabic
Niru = نيرو
Nicole (as well as being an English name) is a Arab Christian name that is rather popular in Lebanon and spelled (نيكول).
The name is spelled the same, so to speak, but using Arabic letters, which I cannot use here.
Danyal = دنيال
Erlin = ارلين