Your first cousin's cousin may also be your first cousin, but may be unrelated to you. Since even marriages between first cousins are permitted in most jurisdictions, the answer to the question is "Yes, you can" as long as your local community or ethnic group is not opposed.
Yes, in most places you can marry your second cousin. However, some people and some cultures are uncomfortable with such a marriage. All the States in the US allow the marriage of 2nd cousins. A number of states allow the marriage of 1st cousins. From religious point of view, most religions do not forbid it. Christianity, Judaism and Islam say nothing about the prohibition of first cousins marrying let alone second cousins.
yes they do they marry their cousins == == yes they do they marry their cousins == ==
Your child and your first cousin's child are second cousins. A full generation is another set of cousins. For example, the second cousins' children will be third cousins, etc. Now here is the tricky part. You are a first cousin once removed to your cousin's child and your cousin is a first cousin once removed from your child.
Yes, you can. The chances of a birth defect are somewhat elevated for children of first cousins, but they are no where near a certainty, and while some jurisdictions forbid marriage of first cousins, other permits it. All jurisdictions permit second cousins and more distant cousins to marry and have children.
Your first cousin's daughter is first cousin once removed to your grandson, and he to her. Your second cousin's daughter is second cousin once removed to your grandson, and he to her.
Cousins are permitted to marry in Scotland
Yes. Sixth cousins are too distant to be included in cousin marriages.
Africa About half the states of the USA permit the marriage of first cousins.
You can legally marry your first cousin in many states and countries.
no you should not marry your cousin's son!
First cousins can marry in most states.
You haven't provided your jurisdiction but in most jurisdictions you can marry your third cousin.
Yes, first cousins can marry in Missouri. Missouri will recognize a marriage between first cousins from another state if it was legal in that state.
In the state of Utah, it is legal to marry your second cousin. You cannot however marry a first cousin. The exception to this rule is that first cousins who are both age 65 or older can marry.
Certainly. Even first cousins can marry in about half the US jurisdictions and in many other countries. No place forbids marriage between third cousins.
No, Ohio does not permit the marriage of first cousins.
Yes it is legal to marry you fourth cousin in all jurisdictions. As a practical matter, most people don't even know who their fourth cousins are and so would not know if they were marrying such a cousin or not.