If you have blue eyes and blonde hair, conceiving a baby with someone who also has blue eyes and blonde hair will provide the greatest likelihood. These are both recessive genes.
typically no, however there still are people around the world that have taken on the religion that have blonde hair and blue eyes.typically in the holicost, Jews did not, however there were many cases (A Father's Promis) is a book that has a boy that has blonde hair and blue eyes that is a Jew.I have blue eyes and light brown hair, my daughter is grown and has natural blonde hair and blue eyes, my son, light brown hair and brown eyes.We vary just like anyone else does.
By genes, they were born with them
To be Aryan did not necessarily mean you had to have blonde hair & blue eyes. This interpretation of Aryan is a postwar pop-culture myth. Everyone knew what Hitler looked like. Very few of the top Nazi leaders had blonde hair & blue eyes. Even among the people of Norway & Sweden, blonde hair & blue eyes are not the majority.
Yes, Because a man named Hitler tried to make the perfect race, Blue eyes and Blond hair, and he almost did do it but he committed suicide because he had brown hair and brown eyes.
He believed they were the "superior race". Blue eyes and blonde hair was refered to as the "aryan race".
The senario in this question is an impossible one. If a person is born with blue eyes the person will always have blonde hair, its as simple as that. A person still may have blonde hair and not blue eyes, but if a person is born with blue eyes, then the person's natural hair color is blonde. To answer the question, the child will be born with blue eyes and brown hair.
The baby could have a variety of hair and eye colors, as it depends on the combination of genes inherited from the parents. Possibilities include blonde hair with blue eyes, strawberry blonde hair with brown eyes, or a mix of traits from both parents. Genetic inheritance is complex and not always predictable.
The baby could have a combination of blue eyes and blonde hair, or green eyes and brown hair, or a mix of the traits from both parents due to genetic inheritance. Eye and hair color are determined by multiple genes, so predicting the exact outcome is not always possible.
cos she has blue hair and blonde eyes cos she has blue hair and blonde eyes
Probably brown hair and eyes; blue and blonde are both genetically "weaker" traits.
Dark Blonde hair with hazel eyes
Most likely baby`s hair will take on a strawberry blonde.
Eyes will be blue or green.. theres no possibility for brown eyes hair is not as easy to tell but it should not be blonde
I think blue eyes go good with blonde or brown hair.
red hair. and probably hazel eyes.
u don't u wait