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Q: Can you cite examples of group-think that led to unfortunate consequences?
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What does cite examples mean?

It means "give examples", explaining where you got them from.

Do you 'site' an example or 'cite' an example?

You cite examples. A site is a location. And sight is what your eyes provide.

Cite other examples of benefits derived from science?

You can find examples of benefits derived from science at your local library. You can cite these sources directly from the exact books you use.

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Can you cite examples of chemical changes in recycling?

Yes, I can, using a Works Cited page and the format needed to cite the sources. I reccommend Purdue Owl or sites like that to find the format for the style you need to cite in.

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R- Restate the questionA- AnswerC- Cite the sourceE- Examples from text

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Restate, Answer, Cite Examples, and I'm not sure what the "E" stands for

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Lack of evidence or data to support claims: Arguments that make bold statements without providing any evidence or research to back them up should be viewed with suspicion. Logical fallacies: Look out for common fallacies such as ad hominem attacks, appeal to emotion, or straw man arguments, as they can weaken the credibility of an argument. Biased sources: Arguments that heavily rely on biased or unreliable sources may not be valid. Check the credibility of the sources cited to assess the strength of the argument.

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Define plagiarism and explain its consequences. Teach students how to properly cite sources using a specific citation style. Provide examples of acceptable paraphrasing techniques. Conduct interactive exercises to help students recognize and avoid plagiarism in their own work.

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