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The President of the United States can not declare a war, this power was given to Congress in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. The President has the ability to commit troops to action via the War Powers Act.

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Q: Can only the president can declare war true or false explain why?
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Is the president the only one to declare war?

If you are referring to the US president, I understand he must have the approval of Congress to declare a war.

Who let's the president declare war?

The President can not declare war. Only Congress can declare war, usually at the request of the President. Subject to limitations by Congress, the president can take military action. For example, the can order the bombing of foreign targets or send troops into a foreign country.

Who may declare war in America?

Only congress can declare war, not even the President has this power.

What president declared war as a joke?

No such incident has ever happened. In particular, the President of the United States does not have the power to declare war. Only the Congress can declare war.

Can congress declare war on another country?

yes they can. only congress has the power to do it. the president has no power to declare war

What branch would have power to send soldiers to a foreign country but does not Have the power to declare war?

The President (Executive Branch) The president is commander in chief of the army, but only congress can declare war. So even if the president ordered the soldiers to go to a different country, he would not be able to declare war. Congress would have to do that part.

Does the constitution give the president the power to declare war?

No, Article I, Section 8 gives the power to declare war to Congreee only. While the President is Commander in Chief of the armed forces, he has no power to "declare war."

Who can veto bills and select supreme court justices but cannot declare war?

The President of the United States. Only Congress has the authority to declare war.

Does the proverbs communicate only traditional?

true or false and explain

Can the state department declare war?

No. The State Department cannot declare war. The Commander and Chief is the only person who can declare war. That would be the President of the United States.

Can the supreme court declare state laws?

No, only the President and the two houses can do that.

Can the Department of Defense declare war?

No, the President does not have the power to declare war. That power is reserved to Congress by Article I, Section 8. The President is empowered to deploy troops for limited purposes and limited periods of time under the War Powers Act, but he has no power to declare war.