Mechanical and many electronic analog computers saved their output data as pen plots on paper.
Some high speed electronic analog computers could read/write data as waveforms on multichannel wide magnetic tape (similar to the master recording tapes used in music studios). Such analog computers were sometimes used as controllers and data collection devices on wind tunnels or in industrial process control before digital computers became affordable and reliable enough. These special tapes could be played back later off line at slow speed if pen plots on paper were desired.
Other high speed electronic analog computers drew their output on CRTs which were then photographed to save it.
There are other ways too.
move the right analog stick and a menu with save will come up.
If you have Yahoo just click save and put it in a folder.
it is very easy to save records
No, but you can save them either by using a function in IM or just by copying and pasting the message into a file.
To save your personal stuff in the computer and no one can get it
This is a digital age. Binary data is converted to analog and analog to digital. Vista operating system has option save document as, therefore you can save each document in previous editions of windows so that you can send files in a format to someone who has not upgraded yet.
Rename the game save back to what it was. If you cannot remember, save the old data to your computer, then make new save game data of said game and rename your old data to the new save data's name.
Save it everyone once and a while. And if it starts to get slow, save your data and reset the computer.
It helps to save data.
Data recovery helps you retrieve data from your computer that you may have accidently deleted. You can program your computer to always save your data every time frame.
what does and analog computer do? Analog power saving, which can be activated by going to "Power Options" on your control panel, is a simple, manual way to save electricity that your computer uses. It allows you basically to pick what and when you want something to be inactive on your hard drive. This is normally done automatically. If you have problems with the new settings, just change it to default.
Download means to move data from one computer to another. Save means to store or write out data to a storage device like a disk on the computer that currently has it in memory. You can download a file from another computer on internet and then save it to the hard disk on your computer -- these are two different actions.
you cant!!
To save the data and to communicate with other scientist
of course not!
You don't, it's illegal.
No it does not if you restore your ipod and then load from the computer ALL game data will be lost