

Can cowboys and Indians be friends?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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12y ago

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Yes cowboys love to please the indians

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No, cowboys are not better than Indians, though some might believe they are. Of course, others might believe Indians are better than cowboys.

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The cast of Cowboys and Indians - 2005 includes: Pierre Barrera as Jake John Flax as Tom

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Cowboys and Indians Fording River in a Wagon - 1904 was released on: USA: May 1904

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Cowboys have guns so they can simply shoot indians in the head. Cowboys nearly wiped indians out.

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The Cowboys

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Wives of cowboys in the rodeo.

What was a cowboys biggest fear?

Losing his horse. Or an attack from Indians

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To be politically correct, American Indians are now referred to as Native Americans.

What are the release dates for Cowboys Indians and Lawyers - 2006 TV?

Cowboys Indians and Lawyers - 2006 TV was released on: USA: 2006 (Durango Film Festival) USA: 13 April 2007