France made friends with the Indians and traded with them.
people say they are because there's tons of movies about it but all you get is red Indians not the ones that have fought and are scary but the ones that believe in peace and are new age. and cowboys aren't really real just country people that dress weirdly, but people today still dress and act like them but aren't really counted as a cowboy.
it was the puritans: they had the first thanksgiving together
that they became friends and worked together.
No, cowboys are not better than Indians, though some might believe they are. Of course, others might believe Indians are better than cowboys.
The cast of Cowboys and Indians - 2005 includes: Pierre Barrera as Jake John Flax as Tom
Cowboys and Indians Fording River in a Wagon - 1904 was released on: USA: May 1904
Cowboys have guns so they can simply shoot indians in the head. Cowboys nearly wiped indians out.
Chiricahua Apaches .
The Cowboys
A: the vaqueros were the first American farm hands also known as cowboys. They had started off good with the Indians and were best of friends but everything turned to worse when the cowboys started to kill all of the buffalo and had a huge fight and wonA: their cowboys
Wives of cowboys in the rodeo.
Losing his horse. Or an attack from Indians
To be politically correct, American Indians are now referred to as Native Americans.
Cowboys Indians and Lawyers - 2006 TV was released on: USA: 2006 (Durango Film Festival) USA: 13 April 2007