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They are venomous and the bite causes symptoms such as swelling and itching especially for those who are allergic.

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Q: Can common house spiders hurt you?
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What is Australia's common house spider?

Two common house spiders are the Daddy long-legs and the Huntsman. There are links below to both spiders.

Is arachnophobia the most common phobia?

It is not entirely irrational. Fear of common house spiders would be irrational but fear of large spiders e.g Tarantulas, or poisonous spiders would have a rational basis.

Do spiders live in Ireland - i know this sounds like a silly question but i have a friend who assures me that NO spiders exist in Ireland?

Yes they do. Common house spiders, poisonous however? No.

Can water spiders hurt you?


What kinds of spiders are found in Wyoming?

Spiders found in Wyoming include: Brown Recluse Black Widow Hobo Spider Jumping Spiders Nursery Web Spiders Sac Spiders Comb-footed Cobweb Orb Weavers Common House Spider Funnel Web Spiders Daddy Long Legs or Cellar Spiders Grass Spiders Ground Spiders Crab Spiders

Why is spiders harmful?

No they only get harm when you hurt them

Can black widow cobwebs hurt you?

No, the spiders web is made of silk. It cannot hurt you.

Do you like spiders?

It depends, are you a spider? I like spiders, but they have to be tarantulas or I won't have anything to do with them. :( I love spiders I did have a tarantula Spiders freak me out!!( im sorry ) but once there was a spider in the garden at my house and it was littarly bigger than my hand!!!! Still creeps me out I love spiders I have 100 pet spiders that are alive and 60 that are dead. Ew... I hate spiders (no offense for spider lovers). I'm actually REALLY scared of spiders (only the big ones). D: I've stepped on a huge spider once and had one crawl on my hand. not pleasent experiences -_-

Does it hurt when spiders bite people?

yes, of course.

What kind of spiders would you find in a house?

you can find house spiders in houses it alll depends where you live.

Can spiders hurt cats?

Yes, since some spiders are poisionous. But most are harmless to pets ans people.

What is the common name for arthropods?

Those are Spiders!