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Q: Can any of the rights stated in the universal declaration be withdrawn?
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The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen stated that?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen stated that?

What was the purpose of the declaration of the right of man?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man stated that all men had equal and inalienable rights. It also stated that the purpose of the government was to preserve those rights.

What did the declaration of human rights say?

The declaration stated that all people have certain human rights that should be respected by ''all peoples and all nations.''

What was the Declaration of Colonial Rights about?

The Declaration of Colonial Rights stated the rights of the Colonists in general, the instances in which the rights were violated or infringed, and appropriate means of obtaining restoration. For more information, visit the Related Link.

Who wrote the the declaration of the rights of women?

Olympe De Gouges did in the times of the French Revolution.It mostly stated that the Declaration of Rights of Men should have included women judging by it's figurative language.

What did Thomas Jefferson say the government should be based on in the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson stated the government should be based on protecting the rights of people's freedom. The Declaration of Independence was based on the rights of people.

Declaration of the rights of men?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was a document adopted during the French Revolution in 1789. It stated that all men are born free and equal in rights, including the rights to liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression. The declaration was influenced by Enlightenment ideals and laid the groundwork for modern human rights principles.

Where was the Declaration of Independence stated?

The Declaration of Independence was stated in 1787 in Pennsylvania.

What were the main points of the Declaration of the Rights of Man?

The main points in the Declaration of Independence are that rights and freedoms were something innate in every person born and that those rights were equal among all men. A government does not have the power to bestow rights on individuals because they could take them away at will. Also importance of a government that only serves the people; run by the people.

What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?

As stated in the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

What are the two rights in the Declaration of Independents?

As stated in the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

What did the Universal Declaration of Human Rights mean?

In the past societies treated people very baldy, there was no such thing as universal suffrage, governments were elitist and tyrannical and slavery was a common practice the world over. After centuries of campaigning and with the support of the major world religions, eventually a charter of what humans should expect of each other and the societies in which they live was drawn up and agreed by all nations. This charter is called:- "The Universal Declaration of Human Rites" (see related links below). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was a world-wide, international declaration between the Member States of the United Nations, proclaiming their views on human rights. ----------------------- Societies are however beginning to see the rites given under the declaration as a little one sided, and many now feel that while the declaration is fine in what it espouses, what is also needed is a balancing declaration of human responsibilities because the two go hand in hand. This would enable courts to balance the application of rites against an individuals discharge of their responsibilities.