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Q: Can a person be buried with valuables?
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What would grave robbers take?

Jewelry and any other valuables a person might be buried with.

What treasures might be buried with the ancient Egyptian kings?

the pharoahs valuables sculpts,pet,and organs

What is inside a pyramid?

Normally a pyramid has a mummy (dead person) in it but sometimes the ancient Egyptians moved the body to protect it fromtomb robbers. Also the mummies were buried with valuables such as gold and jewelry

Where a person is buried?

A person is buried in a grave in the cemetry, after a burial service.

How do you spell valuables?


Why was hatshepsut scared of grave robbers?

Any royalty was like. "There were too many valuables in those graves. "The main obstacle for robbers were the hidden gateway into the pyramid. At the last moment, the royalty was not buried at the pyramid. instead they were buried at the valley of the kings.

What type of tax is paid on money property and other valuables by a person who has died?

estate tax

What type of taxes paid on money and property and other valuables left by a person who has died?

estate tax

Who was buried in the Mississippi river?

a dead person

Who was buried in Mississippi river?

a dead person

What is a large place store money or other valuables?

What is a place to store money or other valuables

Are the dead people buried with their coffin?

Yes, the dead are buried with their coffin. The body stays in the coffin regardless of whether the person is buried or cremated.