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Q: Can a chlorine bomb blow off your hand?
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Who was the person who set off the bomb to blow up the prince of Austria?

There was no bomb.Gavirlo Princip shot the prince of Austria and his wife

Can you hold sparklers in your hand?

That is stupid. Not even Johnny Knoxville would have the crew of Jackass do it. It could blow off some fingers, or even the whole hand.

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next to the blow off switch

Is he going to blow you off?

This depends on the situation. If he likes you, he probably will not blow you off.

Who do you think will win wolverine or Batman?

batman will destroy wolverine because to kill wolverine you heed to cut or blow his head off.batman has bomb batarangs so batman can just throw it at wolverines head and it blow his head off or batman can get his laser sword and cut wolverines head off bat man rules

How do you get to the filing cabinets on Big Nate island in poptropica?

You make the stink bomb. You get the bubble gum. You get the blueprint from Nate's locker. Then chew the gum. The teacher will take you into the Detention Room. Blow off your stink bomb. Teacher will go away. Click on the filing cabinet.

What is a backhand?

A backhander is a blow given with the back of a hand, a bribe, or a shot in racquet sports played backhand.

What bespectacled silent screen star lost the thumb and forefinger of his right hand when a prop bomb went off in a photo shoot?

Harold Lloyd

What do black birds do in Angry Birds?

The black birds are bombs. If they hit something, they turn red and then they blow up. You can also make them blow up by touching the screen. Just don't set the bomb bird off to early. the black birds are a bomb.the explose there enemies.

Can you stop a gun from firing by putting your finger in the barrel?

No. Do not try this under any circumstances! The bullet will likely take your finger off.

When was Blow Your Pants Off created?

Blow Your Pants Off was created on 2012-06-12.

Parry is to blow as what is to what?

Fend Off is to attack. This is because a parry can be used to "blow" and fend off can be attacking.