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Well my cousin he has two dogs there both shitzu cross Maltese terror -i hope i spelt it right if i didn't just write me a message of what i spelt wrong- and the girl is not even 2 years old yet and the boy is almost 3 years old and they had puppies twice -they had the first puppies when she was not even 1-and i got one of the first ones i named it Riley and found out my grandmas boyfriends daughter just had a baby called Riley to so know that really awkward for us and so yes they can and a 1 year old can be pregnant by a older dog and well I'm sorry if your bored for reading my story when i had the answer i should of just said yes but i think you might of understood better this way remember message me if you get this answer with all the spelling mistakes thank you bye.

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Q: Can a 1 year old dog get a older dog pregnant?
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Well, it depends. If it's a small dog, it would be 21.6 years old in dog years. A larger dog would be 22.1 years old in dog years. Either way, it would still be older.

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11 year old dog yes. But not an 11 year old person.

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Well, when dogs are 1 year old they are an adult. So my answer is a year or older is good.

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If your 7 year old dog is an unneutered male and your four year old dog is an unspayed female, the answer is a definite yes. Getting one of them "fixed" as well as carefully keeping females that are in season away from males that have not been neutered or otherwise made sterile, will prevent a pregnancy.

How young can a female dog fall pregnant?

Well, a female dog can get pregnant as early as 6 months...but it's not recommended to let a dog that young get pregnant, it's like letting a 10-12 year old human get's possible biologically but not good.