

Can Native Americans get Divorced

Updated: 10/18/2022
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14y ago

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Of course they can. If they have a civil mariiage , they file in the county in which they live. If they only had a tribal ceremony, the elders will decide the outcome.

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Q: Can Native Americans get Divorced
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What were Native Americans?

native americans were americans that were native

Could native Americans get divorced before white people came to America and if so how?

From what I know about native Americans I doubt they believed in it, they weren't like most people today, get divorced over any little thing. but if they did im sure they had to have a really good reason for it like cheating or something bad, they had a different way of life back then so they didnt have courts and judges to decide when someone was divorced but just like their wedding ceremonys were different im sure they had they're own special way to declare a couple divorced.

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Who United Native Americans?

the native americans

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They inhabit by a native Americans

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native Americans native Americans native Americans

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The beast of burden to Native Americans were dogs.

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Native Americans fished with their hands

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When did they become native Americans?

they became native Americans in 1982

What religion was Native Americans?

Native Americans had a spiritual belief