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Q: By what name do you know the kushite homeland?
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I don't know but my name is Esperanza. How are you?

What was the result of nearly 100 years of Kushite rule of Egypt?

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What was the result of the nearly 100 years of kushite rule of Egypt?

i dont know :p

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I don't know tell me

What was the result of the nearly 100 years Kushite rule of Egypt?

i dont know :p

What country does the name Trevor come from?

Me ( being named Trevor) i know the name is Welsh and English origin and it means a " large settlement" or "Homeland"

What was the role of women in kushite society?

what was the role of women in the kushite society

How did the Kushite kings demonstrate their admi- ration for Egyptian culture?

they loved glizzy

What city did the kushite kings rule from?

The Kushite kings ruled from the city of Napata for centuries.

What are some events that led up to the kushite conquest of Egypt?

cant help you

How was Kushite culture unlike from Egyptian culture?

Kushite developed their own written language called Meroitic.

When did the last Kushite Pharaohs return to Kush?

The last Kushite Pharoahs returned to Kush in 1345 B.C.E.