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Q: By 1840 how many native Americans were driven off their homelands?
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Which group made up the largest percentage of California's population in 1840?

Native Americans

What action towards Native Americans did the US government takes between 1820 and 1840?

They forced the Native American's to move West.

More than 80 percent of which group voted in the 1840 presidental election?

native americans

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There was no big effect because evil villians would only tie blonde white girls to the tracks.

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In the 1830's to the 1840's how did the subject of American paintings change?

Many artists began to paint images of native Americans and landscapes of early America. Hope this helps c:

How were native Americans treated between 1820 and 1840?

i think that (according to my us history test book) the native Americans have been treated badly because they were known as outsiders that no one has known about or has any past about. Many people dispized the native Americans at the time yet of course the native Americans were the people who greeted them onto their land, maybe not fight at first, but eventually, did not even know that they were going to be driven out of their homelands. they were one of the founding people or groups on the Americas and i think that we don't even try to help or recognize it. their are so many things that no one recognizes because of the things around them... no i am not a native American trying to get people to appreciate the natives, i am a person with understanding and tries to see everything in everyones perspective... even when it is really hard at times age 14

What action toward native American Indians did the us government take between 1820 and 1840?

They forced the Native American's to move West.

What job did most Americans work at in 1840?

killing randome southeners that owed money.

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How was the city of Coweta Oklahoma named?

History: Coweta derived its name from a Creek Indian war town on the Chattahoochee River in SW Georgia, and it was first settled by Native Americans around 1840.In 1843, white missionaries arrived in the area and changed the spelling of the town to Koweta.

What did the Native Americans think of polygamy in 1840-1895?

White settlers in the US came from Christian European countries where polygamy was illegal and considered immoral. Polygamy is frowned upon by most Christians, and it is not practiced in any free democratic country.