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Q: Belief of the domino theory led to involvement in what conflict?
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A belief that one nation's fall to Communism would lead to others - Apex

The domino theory contributed to U.S. military involvement in which country?


Did president Johnson reject the domino theory?

Based on his strong support for the war in Vietnam, he must have had at least some belief that the domino theory was valid.

What did dominoes have to do with us involvement in Vietnam?

are you kidding. there was the domino theory but dominoes didn't cause a war

What is the best definition of the domino theory?

The domino theory is a Cold War-era belief that the spread of communism in one country would lead to its neighboring countries also falling to communism, like a row of dominoes falling one after another. This theory was used to justify U.S. involvement in conflicts such as the Vietnam War.

What principle described by president eisenhower became associated with american involvement in southeast asia?

Domino Theory

What is the name of the belief that if one Asian nation falls to communism they all will?

Domino Theory

The belief that one communist victory would lead to many others?

Domino Theory

Which president used the domino theory to defend US support of France in Indochina?

Eisenhower apparently believed in the domino theory, at least to some extent. He took the first steps toward US involvement in Indochina.

The belief that one communist victory would lead to many others was known as the what?

The Domino Theory

What was behind domino theory?

A belief that one nation's fall to communism would lead to others

The belief that one communist victory would lead to many others was known as the?

The Domino Theory