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Highly optimistic with material progress expected to create an earthly utopia

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Q: Before the outbreak of World War 1 what was the general outlook for the future by most Europeans?
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If you had chickenpox before can you get them again?

Any outbreak of chickenpox creates immunity in a healthy person. A severe outbreak doesn't make a person more immune than a mild outbreak.

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There was no slavery in Africa before the Europeans got involved!

What do you call the time before europeans arrived in the Americas?

Some people refer to the time before Europeans arrived in the Americas as Pre-Colonial days. The Europeans went through a period of Renaissance before the Colonists first came to the Americas.

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Because the south's belief/outlook on slavery clashed with the belief/outlook of the north.

Which is correct 'a utilitarian outlook' or 'an utilitarian outlook'?

'a utilitarian outlook' is correct. Use 'an' before a vowel sound, and 'a' before a consonant sound. In this case, the 'u' in 'utilitarian' sounds like a consonant 'y' at the beginning of the word, so 'a' is the appropriate article.

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What where things like before and after tornado Alley?

There is no before or after Tornado Alley. Tornado Alley is a place, not an event.Before a tornado outbreak the weather is often hot and humid. After the outbreak it is usually cooler and drier, but many areas are heavily damaged.

How many people must become sick before it is considered a food borne outbreak?

It takes 2 cases of people with the same causative agent to be classified as an outbreak. Once upon a time, just one case of botulism was considered an outbreak.

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