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Q: Before the Industrial Revolution making cloth was done on a spinning wheel in a factory on the cotton fields?
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How did the spinning jenny change life?

It began the industrial revolution and changed working. With the introduction of the factory came shift work, hourly wages, and even weekends. Before the factory things were made individually and if it took 6 months that's what it took. The factory changed life forever.

In which year did the industrial revolution started and also name the inventors with their inventions before Industrial Revolution?

it started in the 1800s...john kay - flying shuttlejames hargraves - spinning jennyjames watt - steam engine

Why was the textile industry the first industry to be affected by the Industrial Revolution?

Becase that was the main indstry before the factory system

Was the industrial revolution before or after the civil war?

It came after the industrial revolution

Did Robert fulton have to do anything with the Industrial Revolution?

Robert Fulton created the steamboat, before the Industrial Revolution. He died in 1815 which was before the industrial revolution was at its peak.

Why did the Agricultural revolution happen before the Industrial Revolution?

Yes, the Agricultural Revolution preceded the Industrial Revolution.

What were marketing activities like before and after the Industrial Revolution?

compare marketing activities before and after the industrial revolution.

How was labor different after the revolution than it was before?

Before the Industrial Revolution, labor was more generalized. After the Industrial Revolution, labor was specialized.

How was production different after industrial revolution than it was before?

Answer this question…Before the Industrial Revolution, items were produced one at a time. After the Industrial Revolution, items were mass produced.

What was a source of linen fiber before industrial revolution?

Flax plants were a source of linen fiber before the Industrial Revolution.

How was labor different after the industrial revolution then it was before?

There was a shift from individualized to mass methods of producing goods.

What were sewers like before the Industrial Revolution?

There were no sewers until after the industrial revolution so no one can say what they were like before.