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Q: Before 1944 Germans submarine warfare blocked which country from getting allied war supplies?
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Was Germany the only country to have submarines called U-Boats in World War 1?

Well, only the Germans called their submarines U-Boats, this was short for the german word unterseeboot which means submarine.

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What was the first country to have a nuclear submarine?

The United States was the first country to build a nuclear submarine, and that boat was named the USS Nautilus.

What battle was a turning point for the Soviets?

generally Stalingrad was one of the biggest successes, but overall the whole of operation barbarossa was the largest turning point in the war, the Germans also could not get supplies in in the winter, and were not used to the fighting conditions, the Russian used a tactic, where they retreated further back into their country, burning everything as they went, leaving nothing for the Germans. This led the Germans to starve and freeze, allowing the Russians to build up their supplies, as they were used to the cold.

What is Germany and Germans?

Germany is a country and Germans are the people who live in it.

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Was Germany the only country to use U-boats during World War 2?

The US and Japan were the other primary submarine users of that period, so no, Germans weren't the only ones using submarines during WW2.

Wher do germans lived?

Germans live in the country which is known as Germany.

What was Germany's unrestriced submarine warfare?

In the early days of submarine warfare, there were rules that everyone followed when attacking ships. If a submarine was attacking a ship that wasn't obviously a warship, they were supposed to show themselves to the ship, tell them they were going to sink that ship, and then make sure that the crew and civilians were safely off the ship before it was sunk. During World War I, the British had such a large navy that the German navy could not defeat it, and the British were able to stop other ships from bringing food and supplies to Germany. Not only that, but the British could have food and supplies sent to England without much fear of the Germans stopping them. The Germans decided do anything they could to break the British blockade, and to stop food/supply shipments from reaching England. This meant stopping the old rules of using submarines. However, without the old rules for warning ships that they were going to be sunk and making sure the non-military people were safe, this tactic angered countries who weren't involved in the war but had their ships sunk. The USA was one such country...

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What country were the Germans fighting with?

* with the russians *

What country do Germans come from?
