Around 5 million. 8.5 % of the population enlisted, or 416, 000 men.
he was a australian
Nearly 1 million Britons or members of the commonwealth died in action in ww1 which at the time was 2% of the British population. Hope this helps!
A majority of the population there was already Germans that had been living their during WW1 when it became Czechoslovakia.
ANZAC Day is a date to commemorate the death of the Australian and New Zealand soldiers in Galipolli [Turkey] during WW1 in April 25, 1915
2139 served overseas423 served in Australia25 died388 were decorated
No Australian city was bombed during WW1.
Gallipolli was an unsuccessful Australian attack in Turkey during WW1.
The population of Canada during WW1 was 8 million.
he was a australian
Nearly 1 million Britons or members of the commonwealth died in action in ww1 which at the time was 2% of the British population. Hope this helps!
A majority of the population there was already Germans that had been living their during WW1 when it became Czechoslovakia.
ANZAC Day is a date to commemorate the death of the Australian and New Zealand soldiers in Galipolli [Turkey] during WW1 in April 25, 1915
There were 26,094 Australian casualties at Gallipoli, but no record clearly indicates the number of amputees.
No. The Australian Air Force was only formed on 31 March 1921.Approval to use the 'Royal' prefix was granted on 13 August 1921.There were some Australian Flying Corps (AFC) squadrons which joined the British during World War I, but they were not yet designated the title of Royal Australian Air Force.
2139 served overseas423 served in Australia25 died388 were decorated
101436 people
ADF (Australian Defence Forces)