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Friedland, Murat leads one of the greatest cavalry charges in history. Marshal Lannes was attacked & then, literally, the Cavalry arrives. The Russians lose 80 Guns & 25 000 men.

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Q: At what battle in 1807 did napoleon trap a Russian army against the Alle river thereby forcing the czar to sign the treaty of Tilsit?
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How did the wars of the Napoleonic Era transform warfare?

As Napoleon began his conquests in Europe, he transformed warfare as it was known at the time. Napoleon's tactical system of maneuvering in column but forming in line to fight changed the situation in which an army could march away while its enemy slowly deployed, thereby frustrating an aggressive commander desire for battle.

Why is lucius cornelius sulla important?

Sulla was important to the political development of Rome because as dictator he returned most of the government positions to the patricians. Previous to Sulla's term in power, the equestrians (Rome's middle class) had too much control of the courts and other aspects of government. He used the technique of proscription, to rid the state of its enemies, and also his own enemies.

Did Henry II have children and get married?

He married Eleanor of Aquitaine (thereby adding her duchy to the English crown) and had several children with her. It was not a happy family, since all his legitimate sons would rebel against him.

What were napoleons two goals of the continental system?

The purpose of the Continental System was to make great Britain go bankrupt by destroying its trade with the mainland Europe (of which most countries were either Napoleon-controlled or was allied with Napoleon). It did not succeed because some of the European nations began to cheat while others resisted outright. Furthermore, the British were able to find new outlets for their goods. Indeed by 1809-1810, British overseas exports were at near-record highs.

Germany tried to defeat this country by a submarine blockade?

During World War I, Imperial Germany utilized submarines to terrible effect in its attempt to achieve victory. In particular, it focused its submarine campaign against Great Britain, with the hope that it could starve the island-nation into surrender and thereby gain the upper hand in the overall conflict.

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At what battle in 1807 did Napoleon trap a Russian army against the alle river thereby forcing the czar to sign the peace of tilsit?

Battle of Friedland

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The wedge theory is a geopolitical strategy used by Russia to create divisions and weaken alliances between its adversaries. It involves exploiting existing tensions or disputes to drive a wedge between countries or groups, thereby reducing their cohesion and ability to act collectively against Russian interests.

How did Napoleon's battle strategy work against him?

Napoleon's battle strategy revolved around three axises: Heavy firepower via the cannon (keep in mind that he originally served in the artillery as a junior officer), flanking maneuvers (cavalry and infantry with fixed bayonet), and maintaining constant, consistent initiative. His reliance on massed artillery formations was a constant Achilles heel, and one that precious few ever had the opportunity and/or the insight to take advantage of. In the Battle of Waterloo, for instance, it was Lord Wellington of England that had both, and took advantage of cannon's vulnerability to being flanked, thereby crippling Napoleon's army.

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The Christians. As Christianity spread through Rome, the Roman army conquered Greece ,thereby forcing Christianity to be the main religion. However Greek myths are still told and there are people who follow the Greek religion.

How did the wars of the Napoleonic Era transform warfare?

As Napoleon began his conquests in Europe, he transformed warfare as it was known at the time. Napoleon's tactical system of maneuvering in column but forming in line to fight changed the situation in which an army could march away while its enemy slowly deployed, thereby frustrating an aggressive commander desire for battle.

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