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President Lincoln's issue was not with the Union soldiers, whose spirit and heroism he admired greatly, but rather with the lack of fighting spirit he found in Gen Winfield Scott and Gen George B McClellen, both of whom he relieved. Both generals preferred to gather supplies rather than fight, as opposed to McClellan's replacement, Gen Ulysses S. Grant, who coolly and methodically took the war to the Confederates.

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Q: As far as President Lincoln was concerned the aggressiveness of the battles in the West was the type of action he wanted out of the Union troops and their leaders?
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What battles did George McClellan lead?

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He wasn't in the battle. Presidents don't fight in battles.

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He didn't fight them by himself but he fought against battles. He fought the battle . of Antietam, and Gettysburg. I'm just a fifth grader and I'm doing a project so now i know EVERYTHING about Abraham Lincoln. :) X) I'm gonna' get an A+! Hope this was helpful. :)

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In 1963 peace candidates in the confederacy?

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