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were weakened or destroyed.

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Q: As American settlers moved west in search of land many native American nations?
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When did the exploitation of the range begin?

The exploitation of the range began in the late 19th century as settlers moved westward in search of land for grazing livestock and resources. This led to conflicts with Native American tribes who relied on the land for their livelihood.

Where can you find a local native American museum?

Search "native American museum" or "Indian museum" using Google Maps:

What was the manifest destiny spreading?

Manifest Destiny was the belief that it was the destiny of American Settlers to travel across the continent in search and exploration of new land.

Is Stark an Native American name?

"Stark" is a European name, most native american's did not have names like this instead they belonged to 'clans.' Stark is German in origin and means: Strong, Firm or Stout (from a quick search).

Who was the purtains?

They were settlers from England in search of freedom & religion.

Where can you learn your Native American language?

Rosetta Stone now offer to teach you Navajo (I assume other American native languages are available too.) A search on the internet revealed many website offering languages - so may be worth a try!

Why is there an american flag?

Because that is our nations sign that we are america...There is alot more to it then just that... so go to google and search it there.... All countries have a flag. Continents do not. There isn't just one American flag

Why back then do native american's live by water?

They lived by water so they could have a good water source right by them. Then they wouldn't have to go in search for water.

What was francisco vazquez de coranodo impact on the native people?

Francisco Vazquez de Coronado's expedition resulted in the widespread disruption and destruction of Native American communities across the American Southwest. His search for riches led to widespread violence, displacement, and the spread of diseases among the indigenous populations. Ultimately, Coronado's impact was detrimental to the Native people he encountered.

What did the first settlers to arrive at Plymouth come to search for?

The first settlers to arrive at Plymouth were looking for a place where they could preserve their culture and worship freely.

In what ways were native Americans impacted by settlers moving west?

The settlement in the west affected the native Americans that lived there because once us Americans kept on pushing west after making Ohio a state we pushed into new areas .we settled in the territory of Indiana and other lands further west and the tide of settlement had a grave impact on native Americans like exposing them to disease's such as small pox,measles,and influenza killed thousands of them.and settlers took over a large part of there hunting grounds.took the forest for there farming. native Americans tradition,pover,home,life,and population declined.and that's how the settlement in the west affected the native Americans)

What did the spanish explorers found in Quivera?

The Spanish explorers did not find the fabled city of Quivira as described by Native American accounts. Instead, they encountered various Native American communities and lands in the region that is now part of the southwestern United States. The search for Quivira was fueled by legends of gold and riches.