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One of two things can happen if you only eat one meal a day.

You'll either lose a lot of weight or your body will go into "starvation" mode and you won't lose anything because the body realizes that there's no "fuel" coming in and it will try to conserve whatever it has (fat, etc.) for energy.

Either way, it's not a good idea. It's best to eat healthy whether you need to lose weight or just sustain your body.

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10y ago
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15y ago

I have been told many times that eating one meal a day is unhealthy- this usually by people who are in a continual long-term struggle to lose weight.

I have been eating one meal a day for a couple of decades. I fast every day- and I feast every day. I eat and enjoy as much healthy food as I desire in the later evening- without any thought of "dieting".

Result- I save an awful lot of time by not having to deal with multiple meals- which makes my day very productive-

and I still wear the same jeans that I wore thirty years ago! - and I am in excellent health.

The one meal a day approach requires strong self discipline but then soon becomes routine

Meanwhile I keep hearing the same refrain over and over from the overweight- that one meal a day is not healthy.

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13y ago

Many believe that eating only one or two meals a day is unhealthy, but many people do have less than three meals a day and live quite healthy lives.

As long as you are getting enough of the right nutritional food then the number of meals a day is irrelevant.

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17y ago

It depends on if that meal is a half a slice of celery and you still think you are eating too much. If you are eating a regular meal, you probably are not anorexic, but it isn't good to starve yourself the rest of the time. Your bod needs food for fuel.

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Q: Are you anorexic if you only eat one meal a day?
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Are you anorexic if you eat one meal a day?

You're only anorexic ifyou have a morbid fear of becoming fatterfeel that you are fat even when your weight is below normal

Are you anorexic if you only eat tea at the end of the day?

Anorexia is based on weight, not what you eat. But if you continue ONLY eating tea all day you probably will loose enough weight to be considered anorexic.

Is one carrott a meal?

No, unless you want to be anorexic. Eat a healthy balanced meal of meat, veggies, fruit, bread.

What is it called if i only eat half a meal each day?


You only eat a bagel in then you starve the rest of the day does that make you an anorexic?

No, not at all, actually. First of all, an anorexic probably wouldn't eat a whole bagel at once. Even if you want to, if you're truly anorexic, you can't, trust me. Second of all, if it's just one day, then you're not considered anorexic, you just didn't eat much that day. It has to be something regular for it to be given the title anorexic. Besides, what lots of people don't realize is this: You aren't anorexic unless you're underweight. If you're normal weight, but you starve yourself, you are simply fasting, or starving yourself, until you're underweight.

My gf is anorexic i try to get her to eat and she does but after I get calls from her sister saying she is forcing herself to throw up the next day my gf won't eat is she anorexic and bulimic?

It is possible that she is both anorexic and bulimic.

What is the diet restriction for someone anorexic?

You can only eat one apple every day, if you have to eat at all. I usually fast about 5 says a week.

What happens if you are anorexic and eat a lot in one meal and do you gain weight because of it?

No. It takes 3,500 calories to gain a solid pound of body weight. One meal will not do that.

Is it normal to want to throw up after you overeat?

If you eat a thanksgiving sized portion then yes. If it was a normal meal then no i would say your anorexic

How do you act when you are anorexic?

Basically you hate everyone! You never hang around with your friends, you lock yourself away in your room just sitting there on the phone, computer or reading a magazine. It's not good for you! Trust me, I'm anorexic! And as you seem to be a wannabe anorexic don't just stop eating, you still eat but only 1/4 of every meal you eat and you exercise like mad! Don't do it.. your end up dyin! x

What is the type of day during Lent when only one meal is permitted?

There is no day during Lent when only one meal may be eaten. On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday Catholics should eat only one major meal and the other two meals must be, combine, less that the major meal.

How much do anorexic people weigh?

it depends on your height and bone formation,,, a petite girl may be anorexic by the weight of 70-85 lbs,,, a tall girl may be anorexic by the weight of 100-110 PS: and mostly big boned people doesnt depend their being "anorexic" by height,,, they depend it on how they eat and how often or how healthy... why? because their bones add weights to their "lbs",,, so they dont tell if the person is anorexic or not... eat lots of vegetables,,, fruits moderately eat meat and seafoods,,, dont skip breakfast... the most important meal of the day... try consulting a doctor if your really confused,, :) hope I helped,, :)