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Nellis Federal Prison Camp was closed at the end of 2005 due to budget cuts. The Federal Bureau of Prisons is trying to eliminate "stand alone" camps in favor of satellite camps attached to Federal Correctional Institutes (FCI) and higher level USP facilities to utilize shared resources.

Larry Levine - Former Nellis Alumni

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Q: Are there inmates in camp federal prison in nellis?
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i was in the prison camp for 3 years, back in 2004 i was there when martha stuwarts co defendant was there.. people where all exited cuz he got there i didnt care for him he was all scared all red it was funny ...haha ,,,, we had everything in there beer bottles weed i mean anything it didnt even seem like prison i thougt i was on a vacation in vegas

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Daren L Palmer Inmate #13952-023 Federal Prison Camp Po Box 1000 Duluth, MN 55814

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