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Quartering Acts were the laws that made Americans keep British soldiers in their houses. |

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Quintin's Bridge, New Jersey is a Revolutionary War term. It was the scene of a minor battle during the Revolutionary War.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Elizabeth Zane was an American heroine. Legend has it that during the siege of Fort Henry she left the safety of the fort to retrieve gunpowder from her home.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
  • Quartering Act
  • Quintin’s Bridge (NJ), engagement at
  • Quebec (In 1775 & 1776 American forces attacked the British in what is now Quebec, Canada)
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Why yes. "Negroes" ;]

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Lvl 1
βˆ™ 3y ago
Why you being racist looking as fat as santa
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βˆ™ 3y ago
Whats wrong with you
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βˆ™ 3y ago
Go F*** your girl just stop being racists

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Q: Are there any words with X or Z that have to do with the Revolutionary War?
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Are there any revolutionary war words starting with x?

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Are there any revolutionary war words that start with x?

i could not find any but in my abc book i used xtrodanary

Are there any revolutionary war words that starts with the letter x?

Yes, the're words/names that start with the letter "X". For xample Joseph xavier

Revolutionary War words that start with X?


American Revolutionary War words that start with X?

Joseph Xavier

Are there any revolutionary words that start with x?

· Xavier Cathedral in Vincennes, Indiana. People who died in the Battle of Vincennes during the Revolutionary War were buried in the cemetery at Xavier Cathedral.

Revolutionary War words X Y?

Xavier Cathedral cemetery was the burial place for people who died in the Battle of Vincennes during the Revolutionary War. Yorktown (Virginia) was the scene of a battle during the Revolutionary War.

Are there any x words in the revolutionary war?

John Xavier was a leader in the Continental Army during the American Revolution. He took part in the Battle of Kings Mountain.

What is a fact about x-ing the patomic from the revolutionary war?

I do not know the answer but I do know that it is to do with the revolutionary war.

Are there any revoulutionary war words that start with x?

Xavier Cathedral is in Vincennes, Indiana. People who died in the Battle of Vincennes during the Revolutionary War on February 23, 1779 were buried in the cemetery at Xavier Cathedral.

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Are there revolutionary words that start with x?
