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Yes, there are many organizations that can assist someone who is or has been a victim of domestic abuse. The National Domestic Abuse Hotline is 1-800-787-3224. The link to this answer can be used for more information.

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Q: Are there any organizations that assist abused women?
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Were women abused in medieval Europe?

Some medieval women were abused, and some were not. Medieval times were no different than other times and places. In some places the laws did not protect women well, but there were a lot of places where there were specific laws to protect women from abusive husbands and other family members. Also, nearly everywhere in Christian Europe, any women could get protection in the sanctuary of a convent. As to why women were abused in Medieval Europe, the reasons have not changed. This is a complicated question dealt with by people ranging from sociologists to psychologists.

Which party gave women the right to vote?

The right for women to vote was granted by the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which was ratified in 1920. It was a result of the suffrage movement led by various women's suffrage organizations, not any specific political party. However, the amendment received broad support from both Democrats and Republicans in Congress.

Where there any women in the punic wars?

no there were no women in the punic war

What main idea drove nations to form organizations such a NATO seato and the oas?

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and SEATO (SouthEast Asia Treaty Organization) are collective defense organizations. Their members pledge to protect any other member in case of attack. In general, such organizations are created to discourage other countries from attacking any one member country.

What is voluntary organisation How is it different from the NGO?

A Non Governmental Organization (NGO) is any organization that does not include any government or government appointed representatives in their membership.A Voluntary Organization or Volunteers Organization is any organization that uses the human resources of volunteers for achieving its main purpose.There are Intergovernmental Organizations (IGO) commonly called International Organizations that may have volunteer sub-organizations, therefore to be a voluntary organization does not mean per se that it is a NGO. Also, not all NGOs are voluntary organizations as many may have paid staff for executing their main purposes.

Related questions

What are some resources for abused women in Chicago?

Women's shelters and domestic violence agencies and organizations are of help to abused women in Chicago, as well as any children that these women may have.

Were women abused in medieval Europe?

Some medieval women were abused, and some were not. Medieval times were no different than other times and places. In some places the laws did not protect women well, but there were a lot of places where there were specific laws to protect women from abusive husbands and other family members. Also, nearly everywhere in Christian Europe, any women could get protection in the sanctuary of a convent. As to why women were abused in Medieval Europe, the reasons have not changed. This is a complicated question dealt with by people ranging from sociologists to psychologists.

Does Publix Super Markets assist with any charity organizations?

Publix is a huge sponser to charity organizations such as March of Dimes. I am not sure I can speak of them in a public forum so please visit their website for more information.

What are ways to help abused animals?

You can help abused animals by reporting any instances of abuse to local authorities or animal welfare organizations, supporting and volunteering at shelters or rescue organizations, advocating for stronger animal protection laws, and promoting responsible pet ownership and compassion towards animals in your community.

need help for my children this christmas i am a single mom i have 4 children and 2 grandchildren living with me i am didabled and was wondering if there is any help out there?

You should contact social services to see if they can provide any help or if they can assist you in locating charitable organizations in your area that can help to assist you.

What is the percentage of men getting abused?

The percentage of men getting abused is about 29%. Just because it rarely happens does not mean that it doesn't have, it is just not widely recognized because it is more common for women to be abused.

What is her response to his threats of physical abuse?

Every woman is different and some women are terrified of the mate she is with and because the physical abuser is a master of taking the woman's self confidence away and having her believe she is useless in every aspect of her life or perhaps threatens her into believing he will take her life if she leaves him she feels trapped and does not know where to turn. Women of abuse who are afraid are not under privileged women; uneducated or weak and some women that are abused are high profile women in the public's eye or very well educated women so the myth that uneducated or poverty stricken women are the individuals that are more likely to be abused is a myth. Some women will continue to stay with their abusive partner while others will seek help to get away from him. There are other women that will fight back as best they can, but since a man is more powerful this often leads to dire straits for the woman and is risky business. There are Abused Women's Programs that victims of abuse can go too and they should plan well before going to see the counselor at an Abused Women's Facility because they cannot go back to their abuser or they will be in worse trouble. The Abused Women's Facilities protect the women and any children they may have; they will take them to a 'safe house' for protection; have the woman go to programs to learn about abusive men and how to cope on her own; they provide legal counsel in court and help find the abused individual a job. One only has to call Mental Health in their area and they will direct them to an Abused Women's Facility.

Fil Are you affiliated with any civic organizations?

fil: Are you affiliated with any civic organizations?

What do animals act like if are abused?

Animals that are abused will generally be dramatized and will want to stay away from any human.

Why did women in the late middle ages have poor eductaion?

Women didn't have any rights. It isn't until the last 20-30 years that rights have been fully given to women. In the middle ages they were considered chattel and were told how to live and what to do by the men in their life. It was also thought that women didn't have enough intelligence to learn. Women were regularly abused and killed.

Are there any services that help poor people?

There are many services available to help the less fortunate. There are government programs such as welfare, food assistance and WIC. In addition many charitable organizations are available to assist the poor.

Where can the victim request for a protective order under 'law of Georgia on elimination of domestic violence protection of and support to its victims'?

Any courthouse in the state ought to be able to assist you with this problem. ALSO - in many areas I'm certain that there are support organizations that assist persons in need of help or protection from domestic abuse.