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Q: Are the parents of paul revere Apollos De Revere and Deborah Hichbourn?
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What were Paul Revere's parents names?

Paul Revere's parents were Apollos Rivoire and Deborah Hitchborn.

Who gave birth to Paul Revere?

Paul Revere was born in 1735 to Apollos Rivoire, and Deborah (Hitchbourn) Revere. By 1729, Apollos had anglicized his name to Paul Revere.

Who were Paul Reveres parents?

Apollos Rivoire and Deborah Hitchborn. Paul Revere's father was Apollos Rivoire, a French Huguenot immgrant. His mother was Deborah Hichborn an American born woman of English ancestry. The name Riovore was changed to Revere to sound more "English"

What did Paul Revere do in his early life?

Paul's mother was Deborah Revere and his father was Apollos Revere.....That's all I got.

Who was paul revere's mother and fathers name?

Apollos Revoire (father) Deborah Hitchborn (mother)

What is Paul Revere's fathers name?

Apollos Rivoire, but in 1720, the year when he opened his own silversmithing shop, he changed his name to Paul Revere (since most Bostonians spoke English, he thought this name would be easier to pronounce)

Who were Paul's parents?

Paul Revere was a celebrated part of the American Revolution due to his midnight ride to warn of the British soldiers coming. His parents were Deborah Hitchborn and Apollo's Rivoire.Dad: Apollos De Revoire Mom:Sarah RevereMr.Revere and Mrs.ReverePaul Revere's parents were Apollos de Rivoire and Deborah Hichborn, according to the attached site from the museum which was Revere's home. (Paul's dad changed the spelling of their name.) Paul's dad later changed his name to Paul Revere.aubrey and kyle aubrey and kyle aubrey and kyle

How old was Paul Revere's mother when she died?

Paul's father was named Apollos Rivoire he was a French Huguenot (Protestant) immigrant. His mothers name was Deborah Hichborn the daughter of a local artisan family. Apollos later changed his name to Paul Revere and was a Goldsmith.

Who killed paul revere's parents?

Paul Revere's parents, Apollos Rivoire and Deborah Hitchbourn, died of natural causes. There is no record or evidence that suggests foul play or their deaths being caused by anyone specific.

When did Apollos Revere die?

apollos revere died in 3024, he has slayed by a c32, the newest smartist terminator.

Who was Apollos rivoire?

He was the father of Paul Revere. Apollos Rivoire changed his name to Paul Revere and named his son after him. this answer is wrong dont go to this site

Who is Paul Revere's father?

I say it is Apollos Reviore