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They're only worth face value unless you have an uncirculated or proof coin.

Feel free to spend any that you get in change. You'll be helping to reduce the need for dollar bills, which cost the government 6-10 times as much as coins over their circulation life cycle.

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16y ago
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14y ago

Susan B. Anthony dollars were not produced by the US Mint until 1979. They did not exist in 1922. If you are referring to the 1922 Peace Dollar, the person shown is Miss Liberty, as in "Statue of ...". 1922 Peace dollars were produced at 3 US Mint facilities; Philadelphia, Denver, San Francisco. The mint marks for these facilities can be found on the reverse [tails] side of the coin just above the letters "DO" in the word "DOLLAR". The letter "D" indicates the coin was minted at Denver. The letter "S" indicates the coin was minted at San Francisco. If there is no letter, that indicates the coin was minted at Philadelphia. The values for these Peace Dollars in various grades can be seen in the chart given below. To view an image of the Peace Dollar click on the link shown in "RELATED LINKS" at the bottom of this box.

Circulated Grades...........1922-P........1922-D...........1922-S





Uncirculated Grades





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15y ago

Circulation issues are still only worth $1 and can occasionally be found in circulation mixed in with "golden" dollars in vending and change machines.

There are two rare varieties of proof SBA dollars, both classed as "Type II" issues, from 1979 and 1981.

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15y ago

The coin is just a Peace dollar a Susan B. Anthony dollar is a very different coin. The date is so common retail values are only $16.00-$19.00 for circulated coins and about $21.00 for mint state coins

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15y ago

Other than proof and high grade uncirculated coins, the 1979 Philadelphia issue is the only coin of the series that has extra value, it has a wide rim (or near date) variety and can be worth as much as $20.00

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9y ago

If it's a regular circulating version from Philadelphia or Denver, it's still worth one dollar. Hundreds of millions were minted, and they never saw much circulation.

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13y ago

They are worth a dollar each. None were particularly rare or collectible.

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9y ago

A dollar

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Q: Are the Susan B Anthony dollars worth anything?
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Is a Susan B Anthony coin with letter p worth anything?

It's worth one dollar.

What is a 1966 suan b Anthony dollar worth?

....No coin exists. Susan B Anthony dollars were not minted until 1979.

What is the value of 1979 Susan B A nthony liberty dollar?

There just Susan B. Anthony Dollars no liberty in it, and it's worth a dollar

What is Susan b Anthony dollars worth?

It's made of copper and nickel, not silver, and it's still worth one dollar.

How much are susan b Anthony dollars?

There's no such thing. Check your facts and then ask again.

What is the value of 26 Susan B. Anthony dollars?

Most likely 26 bucks. These are very common and are worth a dollar.

What is the name of the advocate of women's suffrage who is pictured on the US one dollar coin?

Susan B. Anthony.Note that Anthony dollars were discontinued in 1999. They're made of copper-nickel, not silver, and are only worth $1 in circulated condition.

What is the value of 1979 and 1980 Susan B Anthony silver dollars?

They contain absolutely no silver, and they're worth one dollar each.

How much is a susan b anthony worth?

One dollar.

How much is silver susan b anthony?

Sorry, the Susan B. Anthony dollar was never struck in silver. They were made of copper-nickel just like dimes, quarters, and half dollars. Unless it's an uncirculated or proof coin, it's only worth $1.

How much is an susan d Anthony dollar worth?

One dollar.

How much is an Susan b Anthony dollar coin worth?
