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Members of house of lords who hold ministerial appointments or are officer holder receive a monthly salary. Other members do not receive a salary but can claim allowances per sitting for the days they attend session of the house or meeting of committees .

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Q: Are the Lords paid for their work in the House of Lords?
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How much is a member of the House of Lords paid?

Most Members of the House of Lords are not paid a salary, but can claim a daily allowance of £300 per sitting day - but only if they attend a sitting of the House and/or committee proceedings. Paid Members of the House of Lords are The Lord Speaker, the Chairman of Committees, and the Principal Deputy Chairman, all of which are paid from the House of Lords' budget. Government ministers are paid by the relevant Government departments.

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peasant and serfs were paid to work with the lords mannor

What are the two house of the british parliament?

The house of lords and the house of commons.There is the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

What are members of house of lords given for their political work?

300 GBP for each day they attend the House of Lords and expenses for additional duties

Does David Cameron work in the house of commons or the house of lords?

He is the leader of the government in the House of Commons.

What is the main job of the House of Lords?

The Lords acts as a revising chamber for legislation and its work complements the business of the Commons. The House of Lords is also the highest court in the land: the supreme court of appeal. A group of salaried, full-time judges known as Law Lords carries out this judicial work.

What are the two main parts of the UK's parliament?

They are (not were, they are still in existence) the House of Commons and the House of Lords

The House of Lords and the House of Commons are the two houses of?

the house of commons and the house of lords

What are the two branches of British Parliament?

The two branches of the British Parliament are the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

When was House of Lords - Lords of the Underground album - created?

House of Lords - Lords of the Underground album - was created on 2007-08-21.

How many members of house of lords at US?

The US does not have a House of Lords

What are The two houses of British Parliament are the?

The house of lords and the house of commons.There is the House of Commons and the House of Lords.