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Q: Are tea party members racists
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Related questions

How many tea party members are in the house of represenitives?

49 members of the House of Representatives are members of the Tea Party caucus.

How many Tea Party members are in the US Senate and House of Representatives?

The Us House of Representatives elected 40 members in the last 2010 election that were self-proclaimed Tea-Party supporters. A Tea Party Caucus in Congress, headed by Michele Bachmann, has over 60 members ( all Republicans).

Is the average net worth of Tea Party members higher than average net worth of all political party members?

There is no definitive data available to confirm whether the average net worth of Tea Party members is higher than the average net worth of all political party members. The Tea Party movement comprises individuals with varying socioeconomic backgrounds, and net worth can differ significantly among its members. Comprehensive surveys or studies specifically focusing on the net worth of Tea Party members are necessary to make a conclusive comparison.

Are the members of the KKK racists?

Yes, they are.

What member of the House of Representatives recently said members of the Tea Party faction are domestic enemies?

The House of Representatives member who said that members of the Tea Party factions are domestic enemies was Rep. Steve Cohen, from Tennessee.

Which established political party is the TEA Party movement afflilated with?

While Tea Party members have claimed they are non-partisan, research shows that most are affiliated with (and often supported by) the Republican Party. Note that the Boston Tea Party had nothing to do with the current Tea Party movement, although both were originally motivated by frustration over unfair taxation.

How many of the 178 Republicans in the House are Tea Party members?

As of October 2013 there are forty-six Tea Party caucus members in the House and five Senate caucus members. That equates to 10.5% of the House and 5% of the Senate. A small minority by most peoples' reasoning.

What was the group of people that dressed as native Americans?

Some of the members of the Boston Tea Party.

Are the members of Boyz II Men racists?

No. There is absolutely no basis for such a rumour.

What was the Boston tea party called?

the boston tea party..........

Is tea party a political party?

It depends if you're referring to the American Revolution (and an incident in Boston during which colonists refused to pay taxes on tea (which were a result of the tea act) and subsequently dumped boatloads of tea into the Boston Harbor). If you're referring to that, as your categories might suggest, then no, it was an event in American history. If you're referring to current American politics, the answer is still no. Although "Tea Party" members would like to consider themselves part of a party, they're really more of an ultra-conservative movement.

When 300 chest of the tea were dumped into Boston harbor what was the event called?

the Boston tea party