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No Civil War battles of consecuence were fought in California.

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Q: Are more civil war battles fought in California than any other state?
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What battles or wars were fought in Massachusetts?

No battles were fought in Massachusetts during the Civil War .

Why did US Civil War battles occur around capitals?

This is true of the battles in the East. The two capitols were close to each other. In the West, however, several battles, Ft. Henry, Ft. Donelson, Shiloh, Perryville, Vicksburg, Lookout Mountain, Chickamauga, Atlanta, and many, many more were fought nowhere near either capital.

Which union states had civil war battles?

The only pitched battles fought in Union states were Antietam, in Maryland; Perryville, in Kentucky; and Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. There were raids into other states such as Indiana and Ohio, and small actions in Missouri, but these were the only three full-scale battles on Northern soil, and both Maryland and Kentucky were border states: slave holding states that remained in the Union.

What were the wars fought in the Civil War?

Do you mean battles? The main battles are Battle of Gettysburg, Seven Days Battle, Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, Battle of Shiloh, Battle of Chancellorsville, Battle of the Wilderness, Battle of Antietam and Battles of First and Second Bull Run If you mean other wars being fought at the same time here they are -Crimean War (1854-56) -Austro-Sardinian War (1859) -Second War of Schleswig (1864) - Indian Mutiny (1857-58)

Compare the civil war to the israel -arab war?

The US Civil War was fought against itself (brother against brother). The country of Israel fought other countries, unrelated to them.

Related questions

What war was fought between the north and south in the 1800s?

The Civil War. The War between the States. The War between Brothers. The War of Northern aggression.

Was The Battle of Brownsville which took place during the Civil War fought in Texas?

There were two battles by that name, one in Arkansas the other in Texas.

How were Antietam and Gettysburg different than other US Civil War battles?

They were different because than other major US Civil War battles because they were major ones that were fought in Northern territory. General Robert E. Lee was the losing general in both of them.

Which battles of civil war were fought on Union Territory?

Gettysburg was the only battle fought in Pennsylvania. And Antietam (Sharpsburg) was the only significant battle fought in Maryland. Every other battle of any consquence was in Southern territory.

What are the battles and victors of the Civil War?

The victor in the US Civil War was the Union (i.e. the North). There were too many battles to list them individually here. See the Wikipedia article listing them by following the appropriate "Related Llink" below. The victor in the English Civil War were the Parliamentary forces. For the Battles fought in the English Civil war, see the Wikipedia article, "English Civil War timeline" at the appropriate "Related Llink" below. There have been many other civil wars in other countries. It is best if the country is specified when asking about a "civil war."

Where did most of the fighting during the US Civil War take place?

During the American Civil War, most of the actual fighting took place in and around the Southern state of Virginia. Given the close proximity of the Union and Confederate capitals of Washington, D.C., and Richmond (Virginia), both the North and the South made a concentrated effort in this region to achieve victories at each other's expense, although important battles occurred in other regions, as well.

Who fought in the civil war north or the south?

The north and the south fought against each other in the civil war.

Most battles of civil war were fought in viginia and what other state?

Most battles of civil war were fought in Virginia and 22 other states. The 22 states were Maine, Louisiana, Vermont, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama, Missouri, North Carolina, Texas, South Carolina, Maryland, Ohio, Kansas, Kentucky, Indiana, Minnesota, Tennessee, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, West Virginia and Mississippi. West Virginia is currently known as Virginia now.

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vimy ridge and other stuff

What battles or wars were fought in Massachusetts?

No battles were fought in Massachusetts during the Civil War .

What are three wars Julius Caesar fought in?

The three most famous wars that Julius Caesar fought in were the Civil War against Pompey, the Alexandrian War, and the Galic War. There were other wars generally named after their deciding battles, such as Munda, Zela, and Thapsus.